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We found strong family affection between them and their English-speaking children, but their pleasures were not in common, and they seldom went out together. Perhaps the greatest value of the Settlement to them was in placing large and pleasant rooms with musical facilities at their disposal, and in reviving their almost forgotten enthusiams.

But, divest yourself of the notions you may have imbibed from interested misrepresentations forget the revolutionary common-place of "enthusiams", "soldiers of freedom," and "defenders of their country" examine the French armies as acting under the motives which usually influence such bodies, and I am inclined to believe you will see nothing very wonderful or supernatural in their victories.

But, divest yourself of the notions you may have imbibed from interested misrepresentations forget the revolutionary common-place of "enthusiams", "soldiers of freedom," and "defenders of their country" examine the French armies as acting under the motives which usually influence such bodies, and I am inclined to believe you will see nothing very wonderful or supernatural in their victories.