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After riding forward for four hours, we reached the so-called "Dog's-river," the greatest and deepest on the whole journey. This stream also has its origin in the heights of the Lebanon, and after a short course falls into the neighbouring sea. At the entrance of the valley where the Dog's-river flowed lay a simple khan. Here we made halt to rest for an hour.

Mulberry trees and vineyards bloomed around us, country-houses and villages lay half hidden between, and convents crowned the lower peaks of the Lebanon, which on this side displays only naked rocks, the majority of a bluish- grey colour. At a little distance from Beyrout we came upon a second giant bridge, similar to that over the Dog's-river.

This aqueduct is seven or eight hundred paces in length, and extends as far as the spot where the Dog's-river rushes over rocks and stones, forming not a lofty, but yet a fine waterfall. Just below this fall a bridge of Roman architecture, supported boldly on rocky buttresses, unites the two shores.

The Lebanon Druses and Maronites Illness of Herr Sattler Djebel or Byblus Rocky passes Dog's-river Return to Beyrout Sickness Departure for Alexandria Roguery of the captain Disagreeables on board Limasol Alarm of pirates Cowardice of the crew Arrival at Alexandria. July 8th.