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In Maurice's little army, on the contrary, there were no back-wages and no thieving. At the siege of Delfzyl Maurice hung two of his soldiers for stealing, the one a hat and the other a poniard, from the townsfolk, after the place had capitulated. At the siege of Hulst he ordered another to be shot, before the whole camp, for robbing a woman.

In Maurice's little army, on the contrary, there were no back-wages and no thieving. At the siege of Delfzyl Maurice hung two of his soldiers for stealing, the one a hat and the other a poniard, from the townsfolk, after the place had capitulated. At the siege of Hulst he ordered another to be shot, before the whole camp, for robbing a woman.

WE pushed off without a word, and paddled out of sight of the beach. A voice was approaching, hailing us. 'Hail back, whispered Davies; 'pretend we're a galliot. 'Ho-a, I shouted. 'where am I? 'Off Memmert, came back. 'Where are you bound? 'Delfzyl, whispered Davies. 'Delf-zyl, I bawled. A sentence ending with 'anchor' was returned.

Prince Maurice State of the Republican army Martial science of the period Reformation of the military system by Prince Maurice His military genius Campaign in the Netherlands The fort and town of Zutphen taken by the States' forces Attack upon Deventer Its capitulation Advance on Groningen, Delfzyl, Opslag, Yementil, Steenwyk, and other places Farnese besieges Fort Knodsenburg Prince Maurice hastens to its relief A skirmish ensues resulting in the discomfiture of the Spanish and Italian troops Surrender of Hulat and Nymegen Close of military, operations of the year.