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I only know that I don't like it. What a strange dead weight there is in the air! She calls his attention to those copperous clouds beyond the river, and says that the wind is rising. He scarcely speaks again, until he takes leave of her, at the gate of the Nuns' House. She does not immediately enter, when they have parted, but remains looking after him along the street.

She had urged her to the top of her strength. Nevertheless she was still in excellent condition. To the westward the sky was overcast in a manner such as Beth had never seen, with a dark, copperous storm-head that massed itself prodigiously above the range. Already she had come to three branchings of the road and chosen her way in confidence, according to Billy Stiff's directions.

Higher the waves rolled phosphorescent green and iridescent violet, weird copperous yellows and metallic saffrons and a shimmer of glittering ash of rose then wavered, split and formed into gigantic, sparkling, marching curtains of splendor. A vast circle of light sprang out upon the folds of the flickering, rushing curtains.

Then a sudden, ominous change occurred. All the blue of the sky was overwhelmed, under a sudden expansion of the copperous clouds. An eclipse-like darkness enveloped the world, till the farthest mountains disappeared and the near-by ranges seemed to magnify themselves as they blended with the sky.