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But now, hinney, ye maun help me to catch the beast, and ye maun get on behind me, for we maun off like whittrets before the whole clanjamfray be doun upon us; the rest o' them will no be far off. The galloway was, by good fortune, easily caught, and Brown made some apology for overloading the animal.

"Kinder than she deserves, I warrant you; and truly, though I little like the company of such cattle, yet I think I am less like to take harm from her than you unless she be a witch, indeed, which may well come to be the case, as the devil is very powerful with all this wayfaring clanjamfray."

But now, hinney, ye maun help me to catch the beast, and ye maun get on behind me, for we maun off like whittrets before the whole clanjamfray be doun upon us; the rest o' them will no be far off. The galloway was, by good fortune, easily caught, and Brown made some apology for overloading the animal.

But now, hinney, ye maun help me to catch the beast, and ye maun get on behind me, for we maun off like whittrets before the whole clanjamfray be doun upon us; the rest o' them will no be far off. The galloway was, by good fortune, easily caught, and Brown made some apology for overloading the animal.

Dishart was preaching at the whole clanjamfray o' you," said Elspeth. "Maybe he was," said her husband, leering; "but you needna cast it at us, for, my certie, if the men got it frae him in the forenoon, the women got it in the afternoon." "He redd them up most michty," said the post. "Thae was his very words or something like them.