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"Will you leave him at the King's Awrms? we shall be there in an hour or two," cried the Captain. "We! Who's we?" said Sharp, gruffly. "Why, myself and the choild's brother." "Oh!" said Sharp, raising the lantern to his own face; "you knows me, I think, Master Jerry? Let me kitch you again, that's all.

If I'm quiet and well-behaved, Bridgie is after giving me a mixture, for, says she, `The choild's ill; there's not been a sound out of her this day! I wish I was back in me own country, Mademoiselle, and then I shouldn't trouble you any more!" "I vish I was back in my countree, too," sighed the other softly, and two big tears started in the brown eyes, and trickled slowly down the cheeks.

King, sez she, 'put rar bafesteak to the choild's oye; an' that minit, ma'am, the rar bafesteak wint to it. Thin comes Mrs. Haley. 'Is it rar bafesteak ye'd be putting to it, Mrs. King? sez she. 'Biling clothes, Mrs. King, sez she. That minit, ma'am, the rar bafesteak come afif an' the biling clothes wint to it. In comes Mrs. Quinlan. 'Will ye be destryin' the choild's oye intirely, Mrs.

"Will you leave him at the King's Awrms? we shall be there in an hour or two," cried the Captain. "We! Who's we?" said Sharp, gruffly. "Why, myself and the choild's brother." "Oh!" said Sharp, raising the lantern to his own face; "you knows me, I think, Master Jerry? Let me kitch you again, that's all.