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On any ordinary Saturday morning Louis by a fine frigidity would have tried to show to the obtuse Axon that he resented such demeanour towards himself on the part of an Axon, assuming as it did that the art-director of the works was one of the servile crew that scuttled about in terror if the ferocious Horrocleave happened to sneeze.

Louis shot away into the outer office, where Axon was just putting on his hat to go to the bank. Alone in the outer office Louis wondered. The whole of his vitality was absorbed in the single function of wondering. Then through the thin slit of the half-open door between the top and the middle hinges, he beheld Horrocleave bending in judgment over the book.

Mapledurham House, axon, the old seat of the Blounts, contains a "priest's hole" in the attics, descent into which could be made by the aid of a rope suspended for that purpose. Upton Court, near Slough, possesses a "priest's hole," entered from a fireplace, provided with a double flue one for smoke, the other for ventilation to the hiding-place.

As an ex-bank clerk he was aware that though an individual would lose, the State, through the Bank of England, would correspondingly gain, and thus for the nonce he had the large sensation of a patriot. Axon, the factotum of the counting-house, came in from the outer office, with a mien composed of mirth and apprehension in about equal parts.