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The second of these, a ruthless Afghan soldier, had abruptly entered the capital; nor was he ejected from it until he had seized upon the principal jewels, and likewise put out the eyes of the last of the unfortunate family of Afrasiab.

The spider hath woven her web in the palace of kings, The owl hath sung her watch-song in the towers of Afrasiab.” Search was made for the body of Constantine, and it was found under a heap of slain, sword in hand, and so much disfigured that it was only known by the golden eagles worked on his buskins.

Alas! the grim legion of sepulchral terrors cannot be regarded as altogether fanciful but, like the Demons in whose company Afrasiab made his voyage down the Oxus, they must sleep, or they will devour us they must be suffered to slumber, or we perish. The garden like a lady fair was cut, That lay as if she slumbered in delight, And to the open skies her eyes did shut.

At sight of the vast buildings, their incomparable colonnades and cornices, their domeless stretches of marble and porphyry, he halted the second time, and in thought of the vanity of human glory, recited: "The spider hath woven his web in the imperial palace; And the owl hath sung her watch-song on the towers of Afrasiab."

Taking her handkerchief, she carefully brushed off the cobwebs that festooned the minarets, and murmured that fragment of Persian poetry which she once heard the absent master repeat to his mother, and which she had found, only a few days before, quoted by an Eastern traveller: "The spider hath woven his web in the imperial palaces; and the own hath sung her watch-song on the towers of Afrasiab."

The second of these, a ruthless Afghan soldier, had abruptly entered the capital; nor was he ejected from it until he had seized upon the principal jewels, and likewise put out the eyes of the last of the unfortunate family of Afrasiab.