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The church at work in Palestine, chs, 8-12. The church at work among the Gentiles, chs. 13-28. The material of the period which we are now to study includes the first two points and should be read in connection with the following outline: I. The church at work in Jerusalem, chs. 1-7. Preparation for witnessing, 1:1-2:4.

Invitations for a Citizenship School at Durham, July 8-12, were sent out by the association and President Hetzel of the State College, the first time in history that a State College had cooperated with women in such an undertaking. The school was organized by Miss Wright and presided over by Mrs.

Once settled in Chaldæa, they called themselves, according to M. Oppert, the people of SUMER, a title which is continually associated with that of "the people of ACCAD" in the inscriptions. Upon the Chaldæan chadoufs see LAYARD, Discoveries, pp. 109, 110. Genesis xi. 2. Genesis x. 8-12. Genesis x. 6-20. Genesis x. 22: "The children of Shem." Genesis xi. 27-32.

The Blessed state of the church, 4:32-5 end There is great love and unity and God indorses their work by the destruction of Ananias and his wife and by the release of apostles from prison. The first deacons, 6:1-7. The first martyr 6:8-7 end. II. The church at work in Palestine, chs. 8-12. Witnesses scattered, 8:1-4. Philip witnesses in Samaria and Judea, 8:5-40.