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"Der Herr Amerikaner has the passionate eyes of an admirer, a devout lover," murmured the sentimental musician from Berlin. "Or an American husband!" said Roscius from Odessa. "Sometimes!" added the Frenchman cynically. "I haf met him," observed the Herr Musikaner, "at the hotel. We haf talked together, once or twice. He has been in South America Argentine, ich glaube and has made a fortune there.

Whatever our sweetest songs may tell us of, we are the sadder for our sweetest memories. The grass can never be as green again to eyes grown watery. The lambs that skipped when we did were long since served as mutton. And if Die Fusse tragen mich so muthig nicht empor Die hohen Stufen die ich kindisch ubersprang, why, I will take the fact for granted. My youth is fled, my friends are dead.

"His toothache has begun to bother him again." "'Ich weiss nicht, was soll es bedeuten," sang Franck. "But I do!" cried Willy. "Silentium! When Franck begins to sing and Lobkowitz to yawn and Ritter empties his first glass on the table-cloth, we'll soon be lying stretched out under the table." The cook had seated himself decorously and was holding the mandolin in position.

'Young man, says he, 'where go you so late? I says, 'I go to Frankfort. 'Sit in ze carriage zere is room enough, ant I will trag you, he says. 'Bot why have you nosing about you? Your boots is dirty, ant your beart not shaven. I seated wis him, ant says, 'Ich bin one poor man, ant I would like to pusy myself wis somesing in a manufactory.

It cannot remain thus for ever, Here under the changeable moon; For earthly things bloom but a season, And wither away all too soon.” The spruce gentleman with the crisp hair throws back his head, and with closed eyes warbles melodiously:— “Einsich bin ich nicht allein.” “Alone I’m not in solitude.” The butcher has forgotten his dignity, and joins vigorously in every chorus.

I bin Jans Jansen, from Cuxhaven; what sall Ich bin? Glossin took from a case which was in the apartment a pair of small pocket pistols, which he loaded with ostentatious care. 'You may retire, said he to his clerk, 'and carry the people with you, Scrow; but wait in the lobby within call.

"Und so war mir noch ausserdem das Werk von der grössten Bedeutung, indem es mich an das Miterlebte theils erinnerte, theils mir manches Uebersehene nun vorführte, mich auf einem unerwarteten Standpunkt versetzte, mir zu erwägen gab was ich für abgeschlossen hielt, und besonders auch mich befähigte die Gegner dieses wichtigen Werkes, an denen es nicht fehlen kann, zu beurtheilen und die Einwendungen, die sie von ihrer Seite vortragen, zu würdigen.

He who wrote it, however, was far from sentimental. He was a fellow countryman of mine and of the late Abraham! who loved your country so much that he lived in it and died in it." And Magin sang again, more loudly, the first words of the song: "Ich weiss nicht, was soll es bedeuten, Dass ich so traurig bin; Ein Märchen aus alten Zeiten, Das kommt mir nicht aus dem Sinn."

Poor Orlando Crump had found me out by this time, and was standing by my side, listening, as melancholy as possible, to the famous Bohemian Minnesingers, who were singing the celebrated words of the poet Gothy: "Ich bin ya hupp lily lee, du bist ya hupp lily lee. Wir sind doch hupp lily lee, hupp la lily lee." "Chorus Yodle-odle-odle-odle-odle-odle hupp! yodle-odle-aw-o-o-o!"

She was very happy writing this letter: the little nut-brown home rose before her. "Ach!" she said, "how I long to be home!" And then she put down her pen, and sighed. "Ach!" she said, "and when I'm there, I shall long to be here. Da wo ich nicht bin, da ist das Gluck." Marie was something of a philosopher. Suddenly she heard the report of a pistol, followed by a second report.