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But now! why, if you open one of these sociological books, mostly, I am bound to say, in German, 'Entwurf einer Sozial-anthropologie, 'Versuch einer anthropologischen Darstellung der menschlichen Gesellschaft vom Sozial-biologischen Standpunkt aus, and the like you will hardly be able to realize that you are dealing with human beings at all.

It forgets itself. It says good-bye. A sun gone down. What is it old Carl wrote?... 'The past is a bucket of ashes, a sun gone down ... to-morrow is another day...." The detachment vanished. Streets familiarized themselves. "Ich steh auf den Standpunkt," said the politicians; and the racket of machine-guns offered an obligato.

You will have to suffer much at the rehearsals, and have perhaps never undergone so hard a trial of patience as the re-writing and studying of this work, which to you is partly "ein uberwundener Standpunkt," as friend Brendel says. Through means of the "Presse Theatrale", which is kindly sent to me, I remain au courant of your exertions.

'He's such a bigoted Zionist he cannot understand that Zionism is ein überwundener Standpunkt. 'I know. 'Ah! said the young man eagerly. 'Then you can understand how I have suffered since I evolved from Zionism. 'What are you now, if I may ask? 'The only thing that a self-respecting Jew can be a Sejmist, of course! 'A Jewish Party? asked David eagerly.

They talk in tremendous capitals about what they call the deutscke Standpunkt; and the deutsche Standpunkt is the most wonderful thing you ever came across. Butter wouldn't melt in its mouth. It is too great and good, almost, they give one to understand, for a world so far behind in high qualities to appreciate. No other people has anything approaching it.

You must put yourself under training musical, dramatic, theatrical: whatever you desire to do you have to learn" here Gwendolen looked as if she were going to speak, but Klesmer lifted up his hand and said, decisively, "I know. You have exercised your talents you recite you sing from the drawing-room standpunkt. My dear Fräulein, you must unlearn all that.