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Columbus sails from Cadiz the 9th of May, 1502, in command of four caravels Reaches Martinico, and steers for San Domingo to change one of his vessels finds Bobadilla about to sail Refused admission to the port Warns the Governor of an impending hurricane Keeps close in with the land Escapes Bobadilla's ship founders Only one with the treasure of Columbus reaches Spain Touching at Jamaica, stands across to Bonacca off the coast of Honduras Visited by a cacique in a large canoe laden with numerous articles Search for the supposed strait Goes on shore on the mainland The natives bring presents Sails along the coast Stormy weather continues Columbus suffers from illness Fine weather Off the Mosquito shore Natives offended at their presents not being accepted Hostages brought Frightened at seeing the notary write Natives carried off as guides Ships anchor in the Bay of Caribaro Large quantities of gold seen among the natives Reaches the coast of Veragua Hostility of natives Frightened into friendship Much gold obtained Columbus quits the gold region in search of the straits Hears of the gold region of Ciguere Anchors in Puerto Bello Passes Nombre de Dios Anchors in Cabinet Harbour The seamen insult the natives, who attack the ships Put to flight by the guns Columbus sails in search of the gold-mines of Veragua.

This was the key now known as Cuyago, and they were at last close upon the mainland. After exploring this island they sailed again on Wednesday, the twenty-seventh, southwest and quarter southwest about ninety miles, and again they saw land, which is supposed to be the island of Guanaja or Bonacca, near the coast of Honduras. The Indians on this island had some gold and some pearls.

Here he remained several days, and then, after touching at some small islands off Jamaica swept by the current, he reached a group near the coast of Honduras, one of which he called the Isla de Pinos, now known as Guanaja, or Bonacca.