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So, the Saadat is great on moral suasion, master of it never failed yet not altogether and Aunt Melissa and skim-milk and early piety! And 'the Saadat is a wonder from Wondertown' like a side-show to a circus, a marvel on the flying trapeze! Perhaps you can give me the sense of the letter, if there is any sense in it. I can't read his writing, and it seems interminable. Would you mind?"

So, the Saadat is great on moral suasion, master of it never failed yet not altogether and Aunt Melissa and skim-milk and early piety! And 'the Saadat is a wonder from Wondertown' like a side-show to a circus, a marvel on the flying trapeze! Perhaps you can give me the sense of the letter, if there is any sense in it. I can't read his writing, and it seems interminable. Would you mind?"

But the Saadat, he's a wonder from Wondertown. With a little stick, or maybe his flute under his arm, he'll smile and string these heathen along, when you'd think they weren't waiting for anybody. A spear took off his fez yesterday.

But the Saadat, he's a wonder from Wondertown. With a little stick, or maybe his flute under his arm, he'll smile and string these heathen along, when you'd think they weren't waiting for anybody. A spear took off his fez yesterday.