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Updated: August 4, 2024

In it have been found the two branches of a human lower jaw with teeth well-preserved, and the bones of the Elephas primigenius, Rhinoceros tichorhinus, Ursus spelaeus, Hyaena spelaea, and Cervus tarandus, all specifically determined by M. Lartet.

Cervus somonensis, Cuvier. C. tarandus priscus, Cuvier. Felis spelaea. Hyaena spelaea. The Ursus spelaeus has also been mentioned by some writers; but M. Lartet says he has sought in vain for it among the osteological treasures sent from Abbeville to Cuvier at Paris, and in other collections.

The mammalia obtained from the bone-earth consisted of Elephas primigenius, or mammoth; Rhinoceros tichorhinus; Ursus spelaeus; Hyaena spelaea; Felis spelaea, or the cave-lion; Cervus tarandus, or the reindeer; a species of horse, ox, and several rodents, and others not yet determined.

The identity of the moose with the European elk is a fact that leads to curious considerations. A similar identity exists between the caribou of Canada and the reindeer of Northern Europe they are both the Cervus tarandus of Pliny. So also with the polar hear of both hemispheres, the arctic, fox, and several other animals.

After residing two months at London, they took shipping thence for Germany; and, travelling thence by way of Basil, in Switzerland, they arrived, after a journey of twenty-four days, in safety and good health at Venice. The Rein-deer, Cervus tarandus, Lin. Forst. Probably the Tetrao lagopus, Lin. Forst. Falco Gyrfalcus, and Falco astur. Forst.

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