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In one year we find Alexandrian coins of Maximin and his son Maximus, with those of the two Gordians, who for a few weeks reigned in Carthage, and in the next year we again have coins of Maximin and Maximus, with those of Balbinus and Pupienus, and of Gordianus Pius.

It was there in 238 that Pupienus was busy assembling his army to oppose Maximin when he received the news of the death of his enemy before Aquileia. And because it was impregnable and secluded it was often chosen too as a place of imprisonment for important prisoners.

By what means did he gain the confidence of his soldiers? What effect had his cruelties on the minds of his subjects? How did they accomplish their purpose? How long did he reign, and what inference may be drawn from his conduct? Who next mounted the imperial throne? What was their end? Who succeeded Pupienus and Balbienus? What were the character and views of this prince?

With Philip ends, according to our distribution, the second series of the Caesars, comprehending Commodus, Pertinax, Didius Julianus, Septimius Severus, Caracalla, and Geta, Macrinus, Heliogabalus, Alexander Severus, Maximin, the two Gordians, Pupienus and Balbinus, the third Gordian, and Philip the Arab.

They did not, however, despair: substituting the two governors of Rome, Pupienus and Balbinus, and associating to them the younger Gordian, they resolved to make a stand; for the severities of Maximin had by this time manifested that it was a contest of extermination.