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There ain't what the s'ciety editor would call the proper ontong cordyal between you and the natives if you haven't had coffee at Baumbach's. It ain't hardly legal t' live in Milwaukee all this time without ever having been inside of B " "Stop!

Upon the proposal of striking out any new road the question always asked by these intermediate people is, apa ontong kami, what is to be our advantage?

Challis developed his study more particularly with reference to the earlier evolution of Totemism, and he was able by his patient work among the Polynesians of Tikopia and Ontong Java, and his comparisons of those sporadic tribes with the Papuasians of Eastern New Guinea, to correct some of the inferences with regard to the origins of exogamy made by Dr.

He did not terrify the birds With strange and unpropitious words Of double-edged ontong; I'm sure he hailed from Beeyah-byyah-bunniga-nelliga-jong.

Maga = ? Oyong Turing's Door. Seling = ? Sidi Ontong = ? OYONG LUJOK = Oyong Turing. x Maga. Lalo. LUNGA. USUN. SINGIM. x x x x Balu Kran's Door. LAUONG. Siggau. Balu Uding's Door. Sawa Taja = ? BALU KRAN. BALU UDING = Mawa Imang. Oyu Suo. Luat. o Aban Moun's Door. Kamang. Aban Magi's Door. Lara Wan's Door. Jalong. Katan. JULUT. Jawing. Kuleh. Balu Mening. o Tama An Lahing's Door. Tago.