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Uningratiating splendour Doges and Heaven Venetian pride The most beautiful picture of all A non-scriptural Tintoretto The Sala del Collegio The Sala del Senato More Doges and Heaven The Council of Ten Anonymous charges Tintoretto's "Last Judgment" An immense room Tintoretto's "Paradiso" Sebastiano Ziani and his exploits Pope Alexander III and Barbarossa Old blind Dandolo The Crusades Zara The Fall of Constantinople Marino Faliero and his fall The first Doge in the room The last Doge in the room The Sala dello Scrutinio Palma's "Last Judgment" A short way with mistresses The rest of the Doges Two battle pictures The Doges' suites The Archæological Museum The Bridge of Sighs The dungeons.

True knowledge, of the kind described, will spring up in the mind of a man as soon as he hears the non-scriptural declaration, 'Brahman, consisting of non-differenced intelligence, is the sole Reality; everything else is false, and this will suffice to free him from error.

Like them, he did not scruple now and then to introduce an anecdote from history, or borrow an allusion from some non-scriptural author, in order to enliven the attention of his audience, or render an argument more plain. And the good man had an object in this, a little distinct from, though wholly subordinate to, the main purpose of his discourse.

We cannot prove from non-scriptural sources that their varying monotheistic conceptions sprang from a common belief. We cannot prove either the supernatural revelation which Professor Max Müller emphatically rejects, nor the identity of the well-nigh universal henotheisms which he professes to believe.

Like them, he did not scruple now and then to introduce an anecdote from history, or borrow an allusion from some non-scriptural author, in order to enliven the attention of his audience, or render an argument more plain. And the good man had an object in this, a little distinct from, though wholly subordinate to, the main purpose of his discourse.