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Updated: August 12, 2024

He was a correspondent of David Hume and of Mme. du Deffand, who always referred to him affectionately as "Mon petit Crauford"; in a letter in which she urges her desire that he should become more intimate with Horace Walpole, she writes, "Vous etes melancholique, et lui est gai; tout l'amuse et tout vous ennuie." Crawford was called the Fish at Eton, a name which clung to him throughout life.

The wise shepherd, Alken, undertakes the direction of this novel 'blast of venerie, and thus discourses of her unhallowed haunts: /p Within a gloomie dimble shee doth dwell, Downe in a pitt, ore-growne with brakes and briars, Close by the ruines of a shaken Abbey Torne, with an Earth-quake, down unto the ground; 'Mongst graves, and grotts, neare an old Charnell house, Where you shall find her sitting in her fourme, As fearfull, and melancholique, as that Shee is about; with Caterpillers kells, And knottie Cobwebs, rounded in with spells.

He claimed that stupor was not a form of insanity but an extension of a “délire mélancholique.” As Dagonet remarks, every symptom by which he characterizes stupor is a psychiatric symptom and insanity can consist just as well in the diminution as the perversion or exaltation of normal faculties. Some of Baillarger’s cases had false ideas, some apparently none at all.

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