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Dr. The comparison of the Leptus with the Nauplius, or pre-Zoëal stage of Crustacea, is much more natural. But here we are met with apparently insuperable difficulties. It is evident that the Leptus fundamentally differs from the Nauplius and begins life on a higher plane. We reject, therefore, the Crustacean origin of the insects.

Having assumed the creation of our Leptus by evolutional laws, we must now account for the appearance of tracheæ and those organs so dependent on them, the wings, which, by their presence and consequent changes in the structure of the crust of the body, afford such distinctive characters to the flying insects, and raise them so far above the creeping spiders and centipedes.

Our Leptus at first undoubtedly breathed through the skin, as do most of the Poduras, since we have been unable to find tracheæ in them, nor even in the prolarva of a genus of minute ichneumon egg parasites, nor in the Linguatulæ and Tardigrades, and some mites, such as the Itch insect and the Demodex, and other Acari. In the Myriopod, Pauropus, Lubbock was unable to find any traces of tracheæ.