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After lord Londonderry's attack on M. de Talleyrand, Lord Goderich said in the course of his speech: Another part of his noble friend's speech to which he desired to advert, was that which related to prince de Talleyrand, whom his noble friend had supposed to have great influence upon the councils of this country, and whom, proceeding on that supposition and upon certain parts of that illustrious person's past life, this noble friend has thought he was justified in pursuing with the most acrimonious animadversion although an ambassador from a friendly power.

Transports: Recovery Delight, Eagle, Fortune, Reward, Success Pink, Willing Mind, Rose, Life, Happy Union, Queen Anne, Resolution, Marlborough, Samuel, Pheasant, Three Martins, Smyrna Marchant, Globe, Samuel, Colchester, Nathanael et Elizabeth, Samuel et Anne, George, Isabella Anne Catherine, Blenheim, Chatham, Blessing, Rebecca, Two Sheriffs, Sarah, Rebecca Anne Blessing, Prince Eugène, Dolphin, Mary, Herbin Galley, Friend's increase, Marlborough, Anna, Jérémie et Thomas, les Barbades, Anchor and Hope, Adventure, Content, Jean et Marie, Speedwell, Dolphin, Elisabeth, Marie, Samuel, le Basibé, la Grenade, Goodwill, Anna, Jean et Sarah, Marguerite, Dispatch, Four friends, Francis, Jean et Hannah, Henriette, Blessing, l'Antilope, Hannah et Elizabeth, Friend's adventure, Rebecca, Marthe et Annah, Jeanne, l'Unité, et le Newcastle, L'Entreprise de 40 canons, le Saphire de 40, le Kingston de 60, le Léopard de 54, et le Chester de 54 canons, ainsi qu'une prise, le Triton, rejoignirent l'amiral dans le golfe.

True it was that that illustrious individual had enjoy'd in a very high degree the confidence of his noble friend's deceased relative; and true it also was, that none of the great measures which had been resolved upon at vienna and at Paris had been concerted or carried on without the intervention of that illustrious person.