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She held up the loaf as high as she could, and he stretched down as low as he could, and so their hands met on the loaf. "Thank ye, Annie," said Alec with earnestness. "I shanna forget this. Hoo got ye't?" "Never ye min' that. I didna steal't," answered Annie. "But I maun win in again," she added, suddenly awaking to that difficult necessity, and looking up at the window above her head.

But Donal meant to hold a little communication with her which none of them, except indeed Gibbie he did not mind Gibbie should understand. "I hed sic a queer dream the ither nicht, mem," he said, "an' I'll jist tell ye't. I thoucht I was doon in an awfu' kin' o' a weet bog, wi' dry graivelly-like hills a' aboot it, an' naething upo' them but a wheen short hunger-like gerse.

He had not sat more than a minute, when he saw her eyes fixed upon the horse. "What's that ye hae there, Cosmo?" she said. "This?" returned Cosmo. "It's a cane I pickit up upo' my traivels. What think ye o' 't?" He held it out to her, but she did not move her hand towards it. "Whaur got ye't?" she asked, her eyes growing larger as she looked.

"That's ower again what I'm compleenin' o'! an' gien it war onybody but yersel' 'at has a richt, I wad be angry, Aggie." "Cosmo," said Agnes solemnly, "ye're ower saft-hertit to the women-fowk. I do believe an' I tell ye't again in as mony words ye wad merry onylass raither nor see her in trible on your accoont." "Ance mair, Aggie, what gies ye a richt to think sae ill o' me?" demanded Cosmo.

"I'm tellin' ye't as I heard it, mem. I houp they haena brunt him yet. Ye maun gang and tak' him oot o' their han's." "Whose hands, child? Who's doing all this to him?" "They stan' aboot the corners o' the streets, mem, in muckle toons, and they catch a haud o' young laads, and they trail them awa' wi' them, and they jist torment the life oot o' them.