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Holding his bonnet just out of reach, he cried aloud: "Loup, Bobby!" Bobby jumped for the bonnet, missed it, jumped again and barked-the high-pitched, penetrating yelp of the terrier. Instantly their little house of joy tumbled about their ears. There was a pounding on the thin partition wall, an oath and a shout "Whaur's the deil o' a dog?"

Having taken a little of the whisky, the old people went to change their clothes for some Jean had provided, and in the mean time she made up her fire, and prepared some breakfast for them. "An' whaur's yer dummie?" she asked, as they re-entered the kitchen. "He had puir Crummie to luik efter," answered Janet; "but he micht hae been in or this time."

"Whaur's that sma' ?" He dived into this pocket and that, making a great pretense of searching, until he found a narrow band of new leather, with holes in one end and a stout buckle on the other, and riveted fast in the middle of it was a shining brass plate. Tammy read the inscription aloud: GREYFRIARS BOBBY 1867 Licensed The wonderful collar was passed from hand to hand in awed silence.

Ericson recovered a little, refused the whisky offered by the bookseller, rose, and staggered out. 'If I were only home! he said. 'But where is home? 'We'll try to mak ane, returned Robert. 'Tak a haud o' me. Lay yer weicht upo' me. Gin it warna for yer len'th, I cud cairry ye weel eneuch. Whaur's that Shargar? he muttered to himself, looking up and down the gloomy street.

"The mate is aft. You know that well as I do. Go right out of this galley." "Whaur's the mate?" "Aft in the cabin, I told you. Get out of here." Even now things might have been well, for a few of them showed a willingness to go aft for the "mate." But the men of the other county came to the other galley door, and, menaced from both sides, the steward unwisely threw his brick.

"We want you, my young man," said the gamekeeper, standing on the threshold, with Bykes peeping over his shoulder, in an attitude indicating one foot already lifted to run. "What for?" "That's as may appear." "Whaur's yer warrant?" "There." "Lay 't doon o' the table, an' gang back to the door, till I get a sklent at it," said Malcolm.

Brown I'm weel, I'll just attend to that sma' matter my ainsel'." With that he took a gay face and a set-up air into the lodge to meet Mr. Brown's glowering eye. "Whaur's the dog, man? I've been deaved aboot 'im a' the day, but I haena seen the sonsie rascal nor the braw collar the Laird Provost gied 'im.

"Dinna touch him, or he'll mittal some o' ye," says Bandy; an' the billies a' cleared awa' to the ither end o' the washin'-hoose. A' o' a sudden Sandy grippit an' auld roosty hewk that was lyin' on the boiler, an' roarin', "Whaur's Pottie Lawson, an' I'll cut his wizand till him," he made a flee at the door.

"'McPhee, said he, 'ye're no paid to fight Holdock, Steiner, Chase & Company, Limited, when ye meet. What's wrong between you? "'No more than a tail-shaft rotten as a kail-stump. For ony sakes go an' look, McRimmon. It's a comedietta. "'I'm feared o' yon conversational Hebrew, said he. 'Whaur's the flaw, an' what like? "'A seven-inch crack just behind the boss.

"Whaur's the guid o' ca'in' ill names,'uman?" "Ill's the trowth o' them 'at's ill. What for no set ill names to ill duers?" "Cause a christian 's b'un' to destroy the warks o' the evil ane; an' ca'in' names raises mair o' them. The only thing 'at maks awa' wi' ill, is the man himsel' turnin' again' 't, an' that he'll never du for ill names. Ye wad never gar me repent that gait, Grizzie.