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He rolled up his pants, too, and sometimes he sweetened the view in a vi'lent, striped sweater. I watered at the mouth and picked my teeth over him he was that succ'lent. "He'd been lookin' down on these natives and kiddin' 'em ever since he arrived, and once a week, reg'lar, he tried to frame a race so's he could wear his runnin'-pants and be a hero. I had no trouble fixin' things.

Jerry removed a baking-powder can from the window-shelf and out of it he poured a considerable amount of coarse gold which the visitors examined with intense interest. "Them's our pannin's." "How splendid!" Rouletta cried. "I been clamorin' to hire some men and take life easy. I say put on a gang and h'ist it out, but" Jerry shot a glance at his partner "people tell me I'm vi'lent an' headstrong.

He sat staring above it at the iron visage of the first selectman, who finally grew restive under this espionage. "Say, look-a-here, Pote Tate," he growled, levelling flaming eyes across the table, "if you think you're goin' to set there lookin' at me like a Chessy cat watchin' a rat-hole, you and me is goin' to have trouble, and have it sudden and have it vi'lent!"

There's no accountin' for these vi'lent affections, but they're human natur', and they have to be 'umoured." "I'll talk to your master," rejoined the colonel, restraining his indignation and turning away. Turner looked after him vindictively. "He'll talk to my master, like as if I was a nigger! It'll be a long time before he talks to Fetters, if that's who he means if I can prevent it.

"It's my belief," said old Nurse lowering her voice, "that no one ever goes nigh them at all. You see, Miss, the husband takes more than is good for him, and then he gets vi'lent and uses bad language. Of course the ladies who visit don't like that." "I can quite understand it," said Miss Unity, drawing herself up. "Of course you can, Miss," said old Nurse soothingly.

I 'lows as one o' them glacier things on top o' yonder mountains is li'ble to be easier climbin' nor turnin' back on that trail. The bed o' that trail is blood, blood that's mostly shed in crime, an' its surface is dusted wi' all manner o' wrong doin's sech as you an' me's bin up to. Say, it ain't a long trail, I'm guessin', neither. It's dead short, in fac' the end comes sudden-like, an' vi'lent.

Then come ther battle at Claytown ter cap hit off with more blood-lettin'. "One of ther vi'lent leaders war shot ter death an' t'other one agreed ter go away an' give ther country a chanst ter draw a free breath in peace onc't more." Again he fell silent, and when after a long pause he had not begun again Dorothy restively inquired: "What's thet got ter do with me an Bas Rowlett, Gran'pap?"

And there's another peculiar thing about him. He always makes me scrape away down under his nails, right to the quick. Sometimes they bleed and it must hurt him." "Apparently the gentleman has the manicuring habit in a serious form," said Green, seeing that Miss Sadie had paused, in expectation of an answer from him. "He sure has in the most vi'lent form," she agreed. "He's got other habits too.

Woman' he sez it jest like that 'if that big boy o' your'n had a little operation, he'd be as good as any. "I answered him patient, an' told him what ailed Tom an' why he couldn't be no different jest what old Doc Andrews told us that they was a little piece o' bone druv deep into his skull that time he fell. He spoke real vi'lent then.

"No, ma'am. He's called Porter Sam Porter, an' he works on the coal-barges. But I wouldn' advise you, I reely wouldn', because father's got opinions, an' can't abide visitors. I've 'eard 'im threaten 'em quite vi'lent." "Poor child!" "But I won't 'ave you say anything 'gainst father," said Tilda, taking her up quickly, "for 'e's the best father in the world, if 'twasn' fur the drink."