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Now ye know it yerself by heart, an' ye 've knowed it all yer born days, so ye can't begin to tell how new an' 'stonishin' 't was to me, an' how findin' so much fishin' in it kinder helped me unnerstan' an' b'l'eve it every mite, an' take it right hum to me to foller an' live up to 's long 's I live an' breathe. Did j'ever think on it, reely?

"Look here," he began, "what's the meaning of this business? I know I've been drugged and mishandled. I demand to be put ashore. Do you understand that?" "Angel child," whimpered the big man. "Oh, you lilee of the vallee, you bright an' mornin' star. I'm reely pained y'know, that your vally can't come along, but we'll have your piano set up in the lazarette.

Miss Nippett soon forgot her neglect of "Turpsichor" and fell into a further doze. When she next awoke, she asked: "Would you mind drawing them curtains?" "Like that?" "You are good to me: reely you are." "Nonsense!" "But then you ought to be: you've got a good man to love you an' give you babies." "What is it you want?" asked Mavis sadly. "Can you see the 'Scrubbs'?" "The prison?"

The children were enchanted at these reminiscences, but a shadow almost immediately fell on Lady Isobel's face. 'Ah, she said with a little sigh, 'that was many years ago. I have been through a good deal since then. 'And are you reely going to live in grandmother's house? questioned Bobby. 'Your uncle wants to, said Lady Isobel softly, looking across at Mr. Egerton as she spoke.

His colorless, quivering lips gave out no sound. "You've got off easy," observed Mrs. Slawson benevolently. "If you'd been my boy Sammy, you'd a got about twict as much an' three times as thora. As it is, I just kinder favored you give you a lick an' a promise, as you might say, seein' it's you and you ain't used to it yet. Besides, I reely like you, an' want you to be a good boy.

He meant what he said also a good deal that he left unsaid and his word was law to everyone on board the Andromeda. So Iris contented herself with meek agreement. "I shall be delighted to come at any time. I have often read about the Southern Cross, yet three short weeks ago I little thought " "You reely didn't think about it at all," broke in Coke.

Pore dear, it do seem cruel!" sighed the cook. "And 'is young lady false to 'im, and all. I wonder he don't do away with hisself," sobbed the housemaid. "I do, reely!" "With all them wicked knives and deadly bottles handy," added the cook. "Not him!" said Tait. "I'm ready to lay any man the sporting odd against him committing sooicide. He's not the sort. Lord! what was that?"

"What luck Mr Poulter's had at the dancing competition! Haven't you come about that?" "I came to see how you were." "Don't you worry about me. I shall be right again soon; reely I shall." Mavis tried to discover if Miss Nippett were properly looked after, but without result, Miss Nippett's mind being wholly possessed by "Poulter's" and its chief.

You never said I mustn't write it, Gail." "What did you write?" asked Gail, faintly. "I just said well, here's the paper. I kept it 'cause he is such a pretty writer." She drew a crumpled scrap out of her pocket, smoothed it out carefully, and passed it over to Gail. At the top of the page in Peace's childish scrawl were scribbled these words, "Didn't you reely put that muny in our barn?"

Brown, with the solemn pride felt by so many at the worsting of the guardians of the law. "They don't reely know anythink about his movements, that's my belief. Why, it's weeks since he was seen. This yarn about his comin' this way is on'y got up to 'ide the fact that they don't know a thing about it. I don't b'lieve he's anywhere within coo-ee of our place.