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M'Gregor, "for a man living in the United Kingdom, to consider, before he determines on expatriation, whether he can, by industry and integrity, obtain a tolerably comfortable livelihood in the country of his nativity; whether, in order to secure to his family the certain means of subsistence, he can willingly part with his friends, and leave scenes that must have been dear to his heart from childhood; and whether, in order to attain to independence, he can reconcile himself to suffer the inconveniency of a sea voyage, and the fatigue of removing with his family from the port where he disembarks in America, to the spot of ground in the forest on which he may fix for the theatre of his future operations; whether he can reconcile himself for two or three years, to endure many privations to which he had hitherto been unaccustomed, and to the hard labour of levelling and burning the forest, and raising crops from a soil with natural obstructions, which require much industry to remove.

But each glance grew shorter, and at last those thin lips relaxed into a look of grim satisfaction, when she saw the little girl measuring a drawing of tea in the top of her tin canister, levelling it nicely off with the edge of a spoon handle, not a grain more or less than the usual allowance.

But this levelling, which the man of the new science, with his new apparatus, with his 'globe and his machines, contrives to exhibit here with so much 'facility, is a scientific one, designed to answer a scientific purpose merely.

I at once faced round, for, though we were beyond the reach of their arrows, they were by no means beyond the reach of my bullets; and, quickly levelling my rifle, I took deliberate aim, calling on Ella to make the best of her way to the canoes as I did so, covered the nearest savage and fired.

DD. Doorways. E. Modern entrance. FF. Store chambers. G. Large chamber. H. Slot for stabbing assailants. A typical souterrain refuge is that of the Chateau de Fayrolle, not far from Riberac on the Dordogne. It was accidentally discovered when the proprietor was levelling for terraces and gardens. A glance at the plan will save a description. A refuge at S. Gauderic has been explored.

To meet them would entail expenses; but a corresponding saving could be made by stopping the building of streets and levelling of ground for purposes largely speculative in outlying parts of the city. There are certain offenders, whose criminality takes the shape of brutality and cruelty towards the weak, who need a special type of punishment.

Philip, the rejoicings of a frank, loyal peasantry illiterate in books but not unlearned in the art of life, have wholly disappeared before the levelling spirit of the nineteenth century. The celebration of the day of St. Philip has been superseded by the festival of St.

"I flew into a rampaging passion wi' my mother, for levelling Jenny to either shame or sorrow: but she maintained that married we should not be, if she could prevent it; and she certainly said and did everything that lay in her power to render me jealous. She might as weel have lectured to a whinstane rock. I believed Jenny to be as pure as the dew that falleth upon a lily before sunrise in May.

Over to the right, at the edge of a muddy lagoon which marks the limit of the levelling rush of the mad torrent, there are dozens and dozens of buildings leaning against each other in the oddest sort of jumble. The spectacle would be ludicrous if it were not so awfully suggestive of the tragic fate of the inmates. Behind this border land are the regions where death was wofully busy.

The daring and independent ruler will soon become a mere tool, by means of which the priests can work their will. "He spends hours in the temple of Neith, praying and offering sacrifices; a number of workmen are employed there in building a tomb for his mummy, and the same number at Memphis in levelling the temple which the Greeks have begun building to Apollo.