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She leaned against the rail and, while the breeze whipped the sash of her sweater and her white skirt about her, studied him gravely until he said: "Meeting you here was such a coincidence that it astonished me ... don't you find it surprising, too?" She shook her head. "No," she said, "I don't. You see I did know that you were on this side of the globe. I even knew that you would be on board.

When it could sit laughing at him until in its laugh he heard the sounds of old winds roaring and old seas standing on their heads, and he put on his black sweater the moth-eaten badge of his sinfulness and he put on his wooden leg and lifted out the handful of money from under the corner of the carpet? What good were the prayers if they couldn't keep him pious? Yes, that was it.

'Then I'll do it meself if necessary, said Didlum. 'I'm not proud when there's money to be made; anything for an honest living. 'Well, I think we're all agreed, so far, remarked Sweater. The others signified assent. 'And I think we all deserve a drink, the Chief continued, producing a decanter and a box of cigars from a cupboard by the side of his desk.

These lank figures carry no charm of womanhood, nothing that can draw from sweater or general employer more than a sneer at the quality of the labor of those waiting always in numbers far beyond any real demand, until for both the adjective comes to be "superfluous," and employer and employed alike wonder why the earth holds them, and what good there is in an existence made up simply of want and struggle.

"Hello," continued the other, "Webster's coming out! I guess here's where your Uncle Tom gets a whack at Old Nassau maybe." He sat up and watched the head coach alertly. The next moment Pemberton was peeling off his sweater for him. Princeton ran Yale's kick-off back to her forty yards. The Blue's right guard was taken out, white and wretched, after the first scrimmage.

The cook rigged up a tarpaulin over his little stove and stood there muttering and frying. He had refused to don a slicker, and his red sweater, soaking up the rain, grew heavy with moisture and began to stretch. Down it crept, down and down. The cook straightened up from his frying-pan and looked at it. Then he said: "There, little sweater, don't you cry; You'll be a blanket by and by."

But he did not reply, and Bud gave an impatient snort, tiptoed over and picked up the discarded clothes of Lovin Child, that held still a faint odor of wood smoke and rancid grease, and, removing his shoes that he might move silently, went to work. He washed Lovin Child's clothes, even to the red sweater suit and the fuzzy red "bunny" cap.

If we do not approve these worshippers, what shall we say of ourselves for permitting this state of things to come to pass? It is inconsistent to condemn the liquor-seller and honor the city which licenses him to do his damnable work. It is impossible to condemn the sweater and retain your respect for the public which permits him to carry on his nefarious business.

At morning you may travel in the hot arid foot-hills; at noon you will be in the cool shades of the big pines; towards evening you may wallow through snowdrifts; and at dark you may camp where morning will show you icicles hanging from the brinks of little waterfalls. Behind your saddle you will want to carry a sweater, or better still a buckskin waistcoat.

He looked it over and petted it, and finally sat down in a rocking chair, with the gun between his knees and a few cartridges in his hand that he had found in the pocket of his sweater; and he got to thinking of the days that he had passed, in the last half century, shooting ducks, and hoping that the clock of time could be turned back, in his case, and that he might be permitted to enjoy many years more of the sport that had given' him so much enjoyment, and contributed so greatly to his health and hardness of muscle.