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Those eyes which were lately devoutly cast up to heaven, or with greater humility bent solemnly upon earth, were now sharply and alertly darting their glances through shuttles, and trunks, and drawers, and cabinets, and all the odd corners of an old maiden lady's repositories. Nor was their search without interest, though they did not find the will of which they were in quest.

The man turned and saw two pairs of eyes fixed upon him from the sheltered hollow under the root. The pup's one good ear and the other that was half gone stood up alertly, as he greeted his master with the boundless good cheer of an irrepressible comradeship.

"Con," he said when they had gone back to the library for their coffee, "I am afraid this Commission is going to be ticklish business." "Why?" she demanded alertly. "There are some dreadful grafters on it, I suspect that the chairman is a wolf. I suspect further that it has been arranged to whitewash certain rank deals." "But why should the governor have appointed you?"

What his presence there might forbode, what his apparent recognition of me might portend, we could not conjecture. We agreed that, although both of us had been on the lookout for Imperial emissaries all the way from Placentia, and alertly watching from Ariminum southwards, this was the first time we had set eyes on any man whom we could take for a secret-service man.

"How do you mean?" "I don't know how. It apparently did itself. It was the day before we went out to be fired at, and he said his name was Kruger Roberts, and I fed him some empty jam tins." "A huge black boy with bristly hair?" she interpolated. "Yes, and a mouth so large that one wonders how his face can hold it all." She sat up alertly, resting her folded arms on the edge of the table.

His clear eyes were slightly clouded to a look of apprehension, as they roved the room furtively. He made no answer to the Inspector's greeting for a few moments, but remained standing without movement, poised alertly as if sensing some concealed peril. Finally, however, his anxiety found expression in words. His tone was pregnant with alarm, though he strove to make it merely complaining.

She kept it in constant motion, bringing bright eyes to bear upon the different passengers. She did not travel very far. She stopped the car, springing alertly to her feet and pulling the bell-rope. Then she hopped off as spryly as a sparrow, on her thin ankles, moving with nervous haste.

But you must hold them well in hand, as you would a dangerous team, you know, coolly and alertly, firmly and patiently, and never let the reins slack till you've driven through the last gate." Richling replied, with a pleasant nod, "I believe I shall do it. Did you notice what I wrote you in my letter?

It was of the game that Madame Jolicoeur should assume her cap with an air of detachment and aloofness: as though no such entity as the Shah de Perse existed, and with an insisted-upon disregard of the fact that he was watching her alertly with his great golden eyes.

That is, they always looked alertly at me, and though if I stayed still they would graze, they kept a watch over my movements and usually moved slowly off when I got within less than forty yards of them. Up to that distance, whether on foot or on horseback, they paid but little heed to me, and on several occasions they allowed me to come much closer.