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“I cannot believe that a perfect stranger, and a woman at that, is making you such costly presents,” said Daniel slowly. Dorothea got up, and looked at him rather undecidedly. “Very well, if you simply must know, I bought them myself,” she said with unusual defiance. “But you don’t need to try to browbeat me like that; I’ll get the money that I paid for them.

You incorrigible old faker, you are making that up as you go!" Red looked undecidedly after him as he strode away in the moonlight in the direction of the picketed horses. For a moment he hesitated, then he flung a fresh log on the fire and began to untie his blanket roll. "It is gettin' along about beddin' down time, fer a fac'." But there was much of disconsolation in his voice.

In a few moments, walking over the ground, they came to a place where the cart-trail crossed a sandy road, and went beyond it, along the edge of a small stream. The man walked a few steps up the better road undecidedly, and suddenly drew Virgie back into the bushes, but not quick enough to be unobserved by two men coming on in an old, rattling wagon.

"Shall I speak on?" continued Platonov undecidedly. "Are you bored?" "No, no, I beg of you, speak on." "They also lie, and lie especially innocently, to those who preen themselves before them on political hobby horses. Here they agree with anything you want. I shall tell her to-day: Away with the modern bourgeois order!

With her hasty response Jewel promptly jumped into the bed, from which the white spread had been removed. "I hope you always say them," said Mrs. Forbes, regarding her undecidedly. "Yes'm, I always do." The child cuddled down under the covers with her face to the wall, lest Mrs. Forbes should see a further duty and do it. "You ought to say them on your knees," continued the housekeeper.

"Then I s'pose yer want everybody in the village to know?" he said with sarcasm. Bessie was taken aback. "No I don't " she said undecidedly "I don't know what yer mean." "You go back and tell John as I'll come when it's dark, an', if he's not a stupid, he won't want me to come afore." Bessie understood and acquiesced. She ran back with her message to John.

Maybe you’ll join us?” Irving shook his head. “I wish I could. But please go on.” Westby squatted again on the window-seat and plucked undecidedly at the banjo-strings. Then he cleared his throat and launched upon a negro melody; he sang it with the unctuous abandon of the darkey, and Irving listened and looked on enviously, admiring the display of talent.

"'Well! he answers, rather undecidedly, 'just helping prepare this pot of mixture for the black pig. He kept on moving his big ladle with one hand and throwing in additional feed with the other, from a bucket that stood close by.

He walked dreamily, undecidedly, preoccupied like a man battling with an idea or with a memory. While the young man gave magnificent entertainments and the palace re-echoed his mirth, while the horses pawed the ground in the courtyard and the pages quarreled at their game of dice on the stairs, Bartholomeo ate seven ounces of bread a day and drank water.

His speech, which lasted three hours, was a lengthened budget; and when, after tiring the assembly, he touched on the topic of interest, he spoke undecidedly, in order to avoid committing himself either with the court or the people. The government ought to have better understood the importance of the states-general. The restoration of this assembly alone announced a great revolution.