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He crossed to one of the tall windows, unfastening the heavy inside shutters, from which the white paint was fast peeling away. As they fell back a breeze filled the room, and the ivory faces of microphylla roses stared across the deep window-seat. The place was airy as a summer-house and odorous with the essence of roses distilled in the sunshine beyond.

She hesitated, while he stood looking at her with his strong, steady gray-blue eyes. "I was thinking of a life I shall never live." He came up to the window-seat. "Some of it might have been passed in just such a garden as this within sound of bells." With a change of voice she added: "How Robin will love it!" "The life you will never live?" said the Canon, smiling gravely. "No, the garden."

The messenger was instructed to seek him first at Windsor, and to be guided in his further movements by what he might hear there. No time was lost, for the squire set out on his journey that very evening. About the time of his departure, the Archbishop and Mr Altham held their little conference. Regina was at work in the window-seat, by her husband's contrivance.

There were years when I would defer dining several minutes that he might wait on me. His pains to reserve the window-seat for me were perfectly satisfactory. I allowed him privileges, as to suggest dishes, and would give him information, as that some one had startled me in the reading-room by slamming a door. I have shown him how I cut my finger with a piece of string.

Many curious things caught his eye, huddled together without any order on the mantel-piece, and among the books on the window-seat fossils and odd-looking shells, cobwebby bottles, in which floated strange objects without shape or make. Splendid things for a museum, thought Ambrose, as his eyes roved among them, but how dusty and untidy, and no labels.

"Did you quiet your mind by prayer?" "I was not fit to pray." "And yet something guided you to the better feeling and the truer view?" "Something did." "What was it?" "My love for Allan Armadale." He cast a doubting, almost a timid look at Mr. Brock as he gave that answer, and, suddenly leaving the table, went back to the window-seat.

He frowned a little as he ran his finger reflectively down Felicia's sleeve. "But she's bothered. She has think-lines in her forehead. I felt 'em." "You have a think-line in your own forehead," said Felicia, promptly kissing it away. "Don't you bother." "Where's Ken?" Kirk demanded. "In the window-seat." Thither Kirk went, a tumble of expectancy, one hand before him and his head back.

Beatrice sat through that long hot afternoon in the window-seat of the upstairs parlour, looking out over the wide river below, conscious perhaps for the first time of the vast weight of responsibility that rested on her.

In the next scene which came before me, the wicked woman’s son was evidently making love to the girl. Both were standing by the old window-seat, but her face was resolutely turned away from him, and when she at last looked at him it was with an expression of uncontrollable horror and dislike.

It was picturing the drawing-room; the restful simplicity of its cream and gold: but no dear and lovely figure, in gold-flecked sari, lost in the great arm-chair. Her window-seat in the studio empty. No one in a 'mother-o'-pearl mood' to come and tuck him up and exchange confidences, the last thing.