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Listen: I'll prove it without the accompaniment." And he hummed softly: "The Spanish cavalier, Went out to rope a steer, Along with his paper cigar-o, 'Car-ramba! says he. 'Mañana you will be Mucho bueno carne par mio!" Her brown eyes danced. "That doesn't prove anything except that you're an incorrigible Celt.

The Abbe stopped midway across the floor and set down the chair he carried with great caution. "Madame is incorrigible," he said, spreading out his hands. "Madame would perceive a romance in a cradle." "Well, one must begin somewhere, Materialist. Once it was for me that the guests crowded to my poor Thursdays. But now it is because Albert is near. Ah! I know it. I say it without jealousy.

The incorrigible professor dived again into his apparently bottomless pocket, and produced an edition of Æschylus; but the astounded Oxonian exclaimed, 'Stop the coach! Halloa! coachman, let me out instantly; there is a fellow inside here that has got the whole Bodleian library in his pocket.

As he mounted his hackney, I could not help overhearing an abortive effort he made to draw Mike into something like conversation; but it proved an utter failure, and it was evident he deemed the man as incorrigible as the master. "A very fine young man the captain is remarkable! and it's proud I am to have him for a nephew!"

Condemned, for the crime of desertion, to a classic imprisonment, he was shut up in a cellar; he escaped through the window; in a garret; he descended by the roof. Then, pronounced incorrigible, he was expelled from the university.

Incorrigible and contemptuous heretics against the new creed, they are only too lucky to be treated somewhat like infidel Jews in the middle-ages. Accordingly, if they are tolerated, it is on the condition that they let themselves be pillaged at discretion, covered with opprobrium and subdued through fear.

I'm free to confess that this rather smallish cup of chocolate and two not very large rolls and a tiny bit of butter do not seem to me all that a healthy appetite can desire." "I'm afraid you're an incorrigible American," said Elise, laughing. "Now, this little spread is ample for me, but I dare say you can have more if you want it."

Talking won't fill in that lease, sir." "The lease is not in a hurry, sir," returned incorrigible Roland. But he held his tongue then, and bent his head over his work. Mr. Galloway dipped his pen in the ink, and copied something from "Bradshaw" into the closely-written letter, standing at Jenkins's desk to do it; then he passed the blotting-paper quickly over the words, and folded the letter.

In the committee room of a local council or city corporation, the humblest employees of the committee find defenders if they complain of harsh treatment. Gratuities are voted, indulgences and holidays are pleaded for, delinquencies are excused in the most sentimental manner provided only the employee, however patent a hypocrite or incorrigible a slacker, is hat in hand.

"Like some other people of my acquaintance, Hagar reckons without her host. I have been at home ever since twelve o'clock, and saw the carriage as you drove off." "And pray how have you employed yourself, you incorrigible ignis fatuus? O my cousin! you are well named. Aunt Ellen must have had an intuitive insight into your character when she had you christened St.