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A form of delirium, sometimes spoken of as #Traumatic Delirium#, may follow on severe injuries or operations in persons of neurotic temperament, or in those whose nervous system is exhausted by overwork. It is met with apart from alcoholic intemperance. This form of delirium seems to be specially prone to ensue on operations on the face, the thyreoid gland, or the genito-urinary organs.

Incomparably small, on the other hand, is the aid which psychotherapy can offer in cases of real destructions in the brain, as in the case of tumors, hemorrhage, paresis or the degeneration by senility. More effective may be its work in concussion of the brain and especially with traumatic neuroses, as in the case when a railroad accident has put the mind-brain system out of gear.

Prohack hear immediately if there was anything to communicate. Wonderful organisation, the London police force! As he hung up the receiver he realised what had occurred and what he had done. Marian had mysteriously disappeared and he had informed the police, he, Arthur Prohack, C.B. What an awful event! His mind ran on the consequences of traumatic neurasthenia.

Constitution and occasional infantile experiences are just as coöperative in the first as disposition and later traumatic experiences in the second group. All the factors which injure the sexual development show their effect in that they produce a regression, or a return to a former phase of development.

The essential feature of a traumatic aneurysm is that it is produced by some form of injury which divides all the coats of the artery. The walls of the injured vessel are presumably healthy, but they form no part of the sac of the aneurysm. The sac consists of the condensed and thickened tissues around the artery.

"But what's the matter with her? What is it?" "Merely neurasthenia traumatic neurasthenia." "But what's that?" Mr. Prohack spoke low, just as though his wife could overhear from the boudoir above and was listening to them under the impression that they were plotting against her life. "It's a morbid condition due to a violent shock." "But how? You told me the other day that it was purely physical."

It is characterised by the usual symptoms, and is treated by palliative measures, or by ligation of the artery above and below the point of communication. Aneurysm in the #leg and foot# is rare. It is almost always traumatic, and is treated by excision of the sac.

Less frequently a traumatic aneurysm forms some considerable time after the injury, from gradual stretching of the fibrous cicatrix by which the wound in the wall of the artery has been closed. The gradual stretching of this cicatrix results in condensation of the surrounding structures which form the sac, on the inner aspect of which laminated clot is deposited.

Needless to say, the skin must be kept perfectly clean and the dressings free from all irritating substances. The fact that tendons or ligaments which are ruptured, do not regenerate as readily as in cases where traumatic or surgical division occurs, must not be lost sight of, and prognosis is given in accordance. Thecitis and Bursitis in the Fetlock Region. Etiology and Occurrence.

Madness!" he thought, as he sank once more into lethargy. Sometimes while his eyes remained sunk in this world of gloom, furrowed by the red comets of nightmare, his ear vibrated weakly with words which seemed to come from far, very far away, but which were uttered near his bedside. "Traumatic pneumonia delirium."