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These are nephritis, uncompensated valvular lesions of the heart, advanced tuberculosis, insanity, irremediable malignant tumors, hydatidiform mole, uncontrollable uterine hemorrhage, and acute hydramnios."

You know quite well how much she has cost me, and that I haven't had a very happy married life, but instead of helping me with her father. . . ." "Say no more," said Aunt Bridget, "we don't want you to hurt yourself again, and to allow this ill-conditioned child to be the cause of another hemorrhage."

The mother seized the needle between her teeth and withdrew it, but the child died, before medical aid could be summoned, from internal hemorrhage, causing pulmonary pressure and dyspnea. Rupture of the esophagus is attributable to many causes.

Erle Palma and mamma were too much for us, but we shall conquer at last. Belmont will not live many months; he had a hemorrhage from his lungs last week, and in a little while we shall be united. He will not long wait to join me." She leaned back and smiled triumphantly, and Regina became uneasy as she noted the unnatural expression of her eyes. "What do you mean, Olga?

Severino could not swallow the champagne which Langholm poured into his mouth. Langholm fetched the candle in high alarm higher yet at what it revealed. Severino was struggling to raise himself, a deadly leaden light upon his face. "Raise me up raise me up." Langholm raised him in his arms. "Another hemorrhage!" said Severino, in a gasping whisper. And his blood dripped with the words.

He took her hand, pressed it warmly in token of his deep indebtedness, and they parted, to meet no more on earth, save in spirit. That night the death-angel came. He was seized with hemorrhage of the lungs, and died instantaneously.

From an experience gained in the case of the President, Romme strongly recommends exploratory celiotomy in all penetrating wounds of the liver. Zeidler reports three cases of wound of the liver in which recovery ensued. The hemorrhage in one case was arrested by the tampon, and in the other by the Pacquelin cautery.

Ribes mentions a man of thirty-three who, in the Spanish campaign in 1811, received an injury which carried away the entire body of the lower jaw, half of each ramus, and also mangled in a great degree the neighboring soft parts. He was transported from the field of battle, and, despite enormous hemorrhage and suppuration, in two months recovered.

Bartholinus speaks of a Neapolitan prince who, while hunting, quenched his thirst in a brook, putting his mouth in the running water. In this way he swallowed a leech, which subsequently caused annoying hemorrhage from the mouth. Timaeus mentions a child of five who swallowed several leeches, and who died of abdominal pains, hemorrhage, and convulsions.

Astonished at the zealous courage of these Christian heroines, a young student of Troyes determined to leave all for Christ, and go with them to Canada to teach the boys, as the Sisters intended to teach none but girls. He was attacked by a violent hemorrhage during the voyage, and died in the Sisters' house, two years after his arrival.