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The general symptom manifested is lameness or pain. The local symptoms are heat, pain, swelling and bony enlargements. The degree of lameness and the character of the local lesions vary greatly in the different cases. When the animal shows a slight lameness and there is little evidence of any local symptom, it requires the services of a skilled and experienced person to locate the diseased part.

Like any other muscular tissue, the heart hypertrophies when it has more work to do, provided this work is gradually increased and the heart is not strained by sudden exertion. To hypertrophy properly the heart must go into training. This training is necessary in valvular lesions after acute endocarditis or myocarditis, and is the reason that the return to work must be so carefully graduated.

The origin of the insanity in many cases is clearly traceable: sometimes to lesions; sometimes to illness; sometimes to the mode of life; perhaps more is due to heredity than to any other cause. At any rate in theory the civilized world has long since ceased to hold the insane criminally responsible for their acts. This applies only to the clearly insane.

Treatment of the Local Manifestations. The skin lesions are treated on the same lines as similar eruptions of other origin. As local applications, preparations of mercury are usually selected, notably the ointments of the red oxide of mercury, ammoniated mercury, or oleate of mercury (5

I wouldn't doubt that he let his assistants do most of his work, and they could have missed them." "Possibly, but the lesions are easy to see. At any rate, the culprit is known now." "Culprit?" "Hepatodirus hominis the human liver fluke. He's a tricky little fellow travels almost as far as men do." "I'm glad it's your problem, not mine.

I saw that chiropractic and osteopathic correction of spinal and pelvic lesions and consequent removal of irritation and pressure on the nerves, the cure of chronic constipation and malnutrition by pure food diet and hydrotherapy, the strengthening of the pelvic muscles and nerves by means of active and passive movements and exercises, were fully sufficient to correct the local symptoms in a natural manner.

This may occur in a previous rheumatic heart and in a heart which has suffered endocarditis and has valvular lesions, or it may occur from valvular strain or heart strain from various causes; it is typically a part of the arteriosclerotic process of age, and is then mostly manifested at the aortic valve.

The front of the chest below the nipples was covered with dark papules the size of a pin's head. The back, the buttocks, the face, and the scalp presented similar lesions. The most striking lesions were three ulcers one on the back of the right hand, one on the right temple, and the other on the left cheek.

The girl switched off the engine, and took her hand from the brake-lever. Something in the doctor's manner arrested her interest. "What is the matter with him?" she queried. "What diagnosis have you made, professional or otherwise?" "Shock, Lady Dorothy; severe exhaustion and shock, heart strained, superficial lesions, bruises, scratches, and so forth.

#Later Lesions.# In the skin and subcutaneous tissue, the later manifestations may take the form of localised gummata, which tend to break down and form ulcers, on the leg for example, or of a spreading gummatous infiltration which is also liable to ulcerate, leaving disfiguring scars, especially on the face. The palate and fauces may be destroyed by ulceration.