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The Boy slowly rose. The tow-head leaped to his feet and with a look of terror started on a run. "You needn't run, I won't hit ye again!" the Boy cried. But the legs only moved faster. Never since he was born did the Boy see a pair of legs get over the ground like that. He sat down and laughed and then hurried on to join Sarah. He didn't tell his sister what had happened.

Your colouring is more like 'Dawn' or 'Spring' or 'Sunshine." "Oh, I HATE my tow-head!" exclaimed Patty. "I wish I was a nut- brown maid." "Don't be foolish," said Cromer, in a matter-of-fact way. "You are the perfection of your own type. I never saw such true Romney colouring. Pardon me, Miss Fairfield, I'm really speaking of you quite impersonally. Don't be offended, will you?"

I gazed across the wide river into the quiet atmosphere now full of the bright light of the moon, but no boat could be seen; and from the wild forest alone came back an echo to my shouts of "Flatboat, ahoy!" For hours I rowed in search of my compagnon de voyage. As I hurried along the reaches of the river, every island cut-off, every tow-head, and every nigger-head, was inspected.

Is I ME, or who IS I? Is I heah, or whah IS I? Now dat's what I wants to know." "Well, I think you're here, plain enough, but I think you're a tangle-headed old fool, Jim." "I is, is I? Well, you answer me dis: Didn't you tote out de line in de canoe fer to make fas' to de tow-head?" "No, I didn't. What tow-head? I hain't see no tow-head." "You hain't seen no towhead?

"Because you called me 'tow-head," he whispered, grinning. When Mrs. MacCall caught her first glimpse of him when they got up to sing, she started, stared, and almost expressed her opinion aloud. "What under the canopy's the matter with that boy's head?" she whispered to Ruth when they were seated again. And there was reason for asking!

Francis 2 Memphis 2 6 9 Foot of Island 37 2 9 Foot of Island 26 2 13 30 Tow-head, Island 14 2 17 23 New Madrid 2 19 50 Dry Bar No. 10 2 20 37 Foot of Island 8 2 21 25 Upper Tow-head Lucas Bend 3 Cairo 3 1 St. Louis 3 18 14 The Lee landed at St. Louis at 11.25 A.M., on July 4th, 1870 6 hours and 36 minutes ahead of the Natchez.

"You are a fool, Adhelmar," said he, at last, "but you are a brave man, and you love as becomes a chevalier. It is a great pity that a flibbertigibbet wench with a tow-head should be the death of you. For my part, I am the King's vassal; I shall not break faith with him; but you are my guest and my kinsman. For that reason I am going to bed, and I shall sleep very soundly.

She decided to test the matter out at the first opportunity, but just now there was a matter of several hours' sleep ahead, so Tommy quickly prepared for sleep, after which, straightening out her blanket, she twisted herself up in it in a mummy roll with only the top of her tow-head and a pair of very bright little eyes observable over the top of the blanket.

The boys are all mad 'bout her. They're plumb-crazed. They got her tow-head and sky-blue eyes on their addled brains, an' all the youngsters, anyway, are fumin' jealous of each other, and ready to shoot, or do anything else that comes handy, to out the other feller. That's the root of the trouble an' you brought that about selling her your farm."

The two faced each other. "You do that again an' I'll knock you down!" shouted the bully. "You do it again and I'll knock you down," was the sturdy answer. "You will, will you?" the tow-head cried with scorn. "Well, I'll show you." With a bound he replaced the coal. The Boy knocked it off and pounced on him. The fight was brief.