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"Jest after yer put ther finish onto Shan an', say, that wuz a beaut, if any one should ask you I see Norris an' ther jock makin' fer ther gate, leadin' ther magpie bronc. I thinks they're goin' ter put him in ther corral fer yer, an' didn't pay much 'tention ter him." "Then he's up at the corral?" "No, he ain't. He's foggin' along to'rds ther Wichita Mountains as fast as he kin go."

"That's what I say, sir," said the old sailor, leaning his arms on the bulwark, "just like a gamecock." "And assumes such an air of superiority," continued the middy. "Just like you do, sir, to'rds us common sailors," said the man, chuckling. "Don't you tell lies, Dick," said the lad sharply. "I always treat the sailors as an officer and a gentleman should."

Dorothy Thornton caught his shoulders and her eyes were full of pleading. "Ye've done built up a name fer yoreself, Ken," she urged with burning fervour. "Hit war me thet told ye, thet day when Aaron Capper an' them others come, thet ye couldn't refuse ter lead men but I told ye, too, ye war bounden ter lead 'em to'rds peace an' law.

"What kinder gwines on is dat?" exclaimed Drusilla, whose mind had never been quite easy since she walked through the dry water in the spring without getting drowned. "We all better be makin' our way to'rds home. Time we git dar ef we ever is ter git dar it'll be dark good. Den what yo' ma gwine to say? She gwine ter talk wid de flat er her han' dat what she gwine ter talk wid. Come on!"

And so when mother told me 'at the signs p'inted to'rds Annie, w'y, of course, I hedn't no particular objections to that, 'cause Morris was of good fambly enough it turned out, and, in fact, was as stirrin' a young feller as ever I' want fer a son-in-law, and so I hed nothin' more to say ner they wasn't no occasion to say nothin', 'cause right along about then I begin to notice 'at Marthy quit comin' home so much, and Morris kep' a-comin' more.

'Wal, sir, I was so busy watchin' them women that I didn't notice nothin' else 'cept you an' the guard of course I thought he was tendin' to his biz. When they stopped to talk on the bridge, I begun to crawl along closte to the bridge, an' then you know how it was all comin' so suddin? When I see the feller go over, an' seen you start to'rds the water, I jest took after the others.

She went to the bed an' looked at the sick young feller, an' then she took hold of the trumpet and motioned me to listen. "Can you hear?" she says into it, not very loud. I nodded, an' looked to'rds the bed. "He sleeps real sound," she says, "and won't be likely to wake up, anyhow; I can't leave him alone to talk to you in another room.

"Curt Dawson says Cal Marcus went past here this mornin', goin' to'rds town. It's an hour by sun now he'd ought to be comin' back this way before long."

So next mornin' I happened to meet Sam Amos, and he says to me, 'Aunt Jane, how much money have you women got to'rds the new cyarpet for the church? I looked him square in the face, and I says, 'Are you a member of the Ladies' Mite Society of Goshen church, Sam Amos?

"De little Rabs holler, 'Lemme tas'e, daddy! Lemme tas'e, daddy! "Den ole Brer Rabbit sot de jug down in de road en let um lick de stopper a time er two, en atter dey is done get der win' back, dey up'n tell 'im 'bout de 'greement dat Brer Wolf en Brer Fox done make, en 'bout de 'spute what dey had. Ole Brer Rabbit sorter laugh ter hisse'f en den he pick up his jug en jog on to'rds home.