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But for all American citizens of whatever race, the expression of such sympathies ceases to be legitimate when it assumes the shape of action transcending the limits set by local or by international law.

As a superabundant proof that each of these elementary rays has inherently in itself that which forms its colour to the eye, take a small piece of yellow wood, for instance, and set it in the ray of a red colour; this wood will instantly be tinged red. But set it in the ray of a green colour, it assumes a green colour, and so of all the rest.

It assumes a gentle declivity towards the sea, and is then lost in the beautiful vineyards and gardens that cover the slopes of the mountain down to the houses of Torre del Greco. The view from this spot is magnificent.

Fourthly, it fortifies itself by a multitude of false conceptions, arising from a hasty application of its universal truism, and not from a severe inspection and analysis of things. Fifthly, it decorates itself in false analogies, and thereby assumes the imposing appearance of truth.

To the full extent of the guaranties we are all bound in honor, in justice, and by the Constitution.... But when we come to speak of admitting new States, the subject assumes an entirely different aspect.... In my opinion, the people of the United States will not consent to bring into the Union a new, vastly extensive, and slave-holding country, large enough for half a dozen or a dozen States.

Sometimes it assumes the form of equivocation or moral dodging twisting and so stating the things said as to convey a false impression a kind of lying which a Frenchman once described as "walking round about the truth."

Passing along the street, apparently self-absorbed, there seems little in this man to attract notice. Why does the scared newsboy hurry by, thinking of that strange face? Quickly the agitated countenance assumes a look of dignified indifference. A block away the boy resumes his calls: "All about the murder of a young girl! Body found in the river! Police on track of the murderer!"

This, while a keen disappointment with regard to what he had expected and hoped for, is the best that can be done under the circumstances. John is something of a philosopher. When he has done his best, he is willing to trust the rest to fortune. So he assumes a cheerfulness he is far from feeling, and assures Ben Taleb he will always be indebted to him for his kindness.

There is none now to disturb and plunder the hasty birds. The fig-tree which aids the BAEA in its object of beautifying the precipice is one of a very numerously represented species, which assumes great variety of form, and produces fruit of varying quality. A thin slender shoot, tremulously weak, leans lightly on the base of some tall tree, and finding agreeable conditions, clings and grows.

An attentive and caressing woman would weary you; you must be handled in a military fashion, if you are to be amused and retained. As soon as the mistress assumes the rôle of lover, love begins to weaken; it does more, it rises like a tyrant, and ends in disdain which leads directly to disgust and inconstancy.