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"Ha oop! boys, thish is big hoo! hoo! ha oop! I say is big. Let's do somethin'!" Here there was a confused cry that "it was big, and that they had better do somethin' or 'nother." "Let's blow up the ole school-house," said Bill Day, who was not friendly to education.

"They'll tell 'im the f'ancial standin' of Jasper Toomey shirtingly." The waiter returned almost immediately. "The hotel knows you only as a guest, sir." "Thish is insult d'lib'rate insult." Mr. Toomey rose to his feet and stood unsteadily. "Send manager to me immedially immedially!"

Parks rose with slight difficulty, but unflinching dignity, and leaned impressively over the table, "May I ashk may I be permitted to arsk, madam, to what we may owe the pleasure of thish of this visit?" Her face and attitude instantly changed.

You all is obleege to be happy. Take keer of thish 'ere gal, Cap!" Teague Poteet went down the mountain a little way, and returned after a while like a man in a dream. He paused at a point that overlooked the valley and took off his hat. The morning breeze, roused from its sleep, stirred his hair.

Don't he, boys?" inquired Jimmy. "But he ain't no interesting character. Jisht common man, Dannie is. Honest man. Never told a lie in his life. Yesh, he did, too. I forgot. He liesh for me. Jish liesh and liesh. Liesh to Mary. Tells her any old liesh to keep me out of schrape. You ever have frind hish up and drive ten milesh for you night like thish, and liesh to get you out of schrape?"

"Yes; an' I wan' tersay thish to you, because I'm your fr'en'. Don' wan' anny fr'en's mine get fooled on women! See? Thash how I feel. I respec' the sect! See! Women, lovely women! See? Respec' sect! Gimme y'han', buzzer er brother Quar'er! Your m' fr'en'; I'm your fr'en'. I know how it is. Gotter wife m'own. Rotten one. Stingy! Takes money outter m' pockets. Dam 'stravagant.

The visitors greeted her with the effusive constraint and awkwardness that made so large a part of their lives, but after a while Mrs. Hightower laid her fat motherly hand on the girl's shoulder, and looked kindly but keenly into her eyes. "Ah, honey!" she said, "you hain't sp'ilt yit, but you wa'n't made to fit thish here hill that you wa'n't, that you wa'n't!" Women are not hypocrites.

But Herrick, hopelessly under the influence of the poison, which had now produced its full effect, paid no heed. "Y' can't dri' thish car!" he muttered, in maudlin accents. "Too big too heavy for hc! woman! I I dri' it all right, drunk or sober! Good chauffeur good car I know thish car! You won't fire me hc! for takin' drink or two, huh? I drive you all ri' drive you to New York or to hc! Hell!

Good friend you are, to let him touch a drop!" "This is no time for misunderstandings between his friends, Mr. Griffith," said Lord James, with a quiet insistence that checked the other's anger. "He was hard at it when, I found him had been for hours." "Ri' she are, Chi-Chimmy boy! Ching o' it, Grishsh! thish ish a relish relishush lushingsh church shaloo loon."

Thish factor thinks h' ownsh Gordon's now. I say, not'll h' marries you. Good fellow, Richard, but infernal forward. Eh, Courtenay?" Philip turned away, while the doctor pretended to examine the silver punch-ladle. As for me, I could only stare. It was Patty who kept her head, and made us a stately curtsey. "Will you do me the kindness, gentlemen," said she, "to leave me with my brother?"