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Says I, "I'll send Bub Smith to Senator Logan'ses the minute I get back; for much as I want to obleege a neighbor, I can't traipse all over Washington, walkin' afoot, and carryin' Dorlesky's errent. But Bub is trusty: I'll send him." And I riz up to go. He riz up too. He is a gentleman; and, as I said, I like his looks.

And about de grog, Mistah Courtenay; how many glasses do dis one make dat you now owe me, eh, sah? Ansah me dat, sah. You don' keep no account, I expec's, sah, but I do. Dis one makes seben, Mistah Courtenay, and I'd be much obleege, sah, if you'd pay some of dem off. It am all bery well to say you'll owe 'em to me, sah, but what's de use ob dat if you don' nebber pay me, eh?"

Aha!" exclaimed Mr. Shrig, still busied on his researches. "He's got summat in this 'ere 'ind pocket as I can't come at p'raps you'll obleege me by heavin' Windictiveness over a bit, sir? Why, never mind, sir done it myself " "How did the young woman come by this letter?" "'T is in ewidence as years ago she was maid to a lady now Mrs. Vere-Manville, it was give her by that same.

I didn't want to lend the money, I'd rather have had it in the savings bank, but I did it to obleege him." By such casuistry Aunt Deborah quieted her conscience, and carefully put the ring away among her bonds and mortgages. "Who'd think a little ring like that should be worth so much?" she said to herself. "It's clear waste of money. But then Ferdinand didn't buy it.

Jest think on't, that big noble-sized river, dwindlin' itself down jest to obleege somebody.

"And profess mysel' disgraced by takin' a reward frae a born leddy for what I wad hae dune for ony beggar wife i' the lan'. Na, na, my leddy." "Your services are certainly flattering, when you put me on a level with any beggar in the country!" "In regaird o' sic service, my leddy: ye ken weel eneuch what I mean. Obleege me by takin' back yer siller."

You all is obleege to be happy. Take keer of thish 'ere gal, Cap!" Teague Poteet went down the mountain a little way, and returned after a while like a man in a dream. He paused at a point that overlooked the valley and took off his hat. The morning breeze, roused from its sleep, stirred his hair.

As for the guineas yer honour mintions, it's of no avail atween fri'nds. I'll take 'em, to obleege ye, if yer honour so wills: but the ship should be anchored if there niver was a grain of goold in the wur-r-r-ld. Would ye like a berth pratty well out, or would yer honour choose to go in among the rocks, and lie like a babby in its cradhle?"

"Weel, I'll sen' Maggie only ye wad obleege me by no seein her, for ye micht put her oot o' humour, sir, and she michtna gie yer sermon fair play the morn!" The minister closed the door with some sharpness. In the meantime, Maggie was walking shoeless and bonnetless up the hill to the farm she sought. It was a hot morning in June, tempered by a wind from the north-west.

'I've always one about me, says the divil, 'to obleege my frinds, says he; and with that he pulls out a rope made of sand, sure enough. 'Oh, it's game you're makin', says the colonel, growin' as white as a sheet. 'The game is mine, sure enough, says the owld fellow, grinnin', with a terrible laugh. 'That's not a sand-rope at all, says the colonel.