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But I warn ye, Tibbie, he says, 'if there's a bural frae this hoose, be it your bural, or be it my bural, not one o' the family o' Lownies casts their shadows upon the corp. Thae was the very words Davit said to me as we watched the hearse frae the sky-licht. Ay, he bore up wonderfu', but he felt it, Jess he felt it, as I could tell by his takkin' to drink again that very nicht.

"Wheest, man! juist here's where we come to the snuff, for, look ye, every time I bought a paper o' snuff I minded me that ma brither Alan, not takkin' it himself, was so much siller tae the gude an' oh, man! it used tae grieve me sair till, one day, I lighted on this bit hoosie." "Well?" said I. "What, d'ye no see it?" "No, indeed," I answered.

He looked as grave as a judge, did Abe, but then I noticed that he were donned i' his blue overalls, same as if he'd just coom frae his wark. So I said to him: 'Heaven, is it? I can't see mich o' heaven about thee, Abe. Wheer's thy harp an' crown o' gowd? "'Harp an' crown o' gowd, said Abe, an' he started laughin'. 'Who is thou takkin' me for? I'm noan King David.

Thou mun put th' horse in the trap and fetch the rest thysen. 'Yes, sir. 'One's dead. A roadman's takkin' care on it in Oldcastle Street. He'll wait for thee. Give him sixpence. 'Yes, sir. 'Yes, sir. 'There's another strayed on the railway-line happen it's run over by this. 'Yes, sir. 'And one's making the best of her way to Oldcastle. I couldna coax her in here. 'Yes, sir.

There's a lass here that said shoo'd write this here letter for me; but I'd noan have her mellin' on t' job, though shoo were a bonny lass an' all " "What mak o' lass is yon?" interrupted Annie. "If he's bin takkin' up wi' one o' them French lasses, he'll get a bit o' my mind when he cooms back.

She was takkin stock o' you t' whole time, I'll uphowd yo." "That isn't what I wanted," said Laura. She walked to the window and leaned her head against the frame. Polly watched her with compunction, seeing quite plainly the sudden drop of the lip. All she could do was to propose to show her cousin the house. Laura languidly consented.

"Johnnie's gotten his papers. He's gane oot to speak wi' the schoolmaster. He's thinkin' o' takkin' his passage for t' laast week in t' year." Brand made no reply. Johnnie, the elder son, was the apple of his eye. But an uncle had offered him half his passage to Quebec, and his parents could not stand in the way. "An' Will?" "He's cleanin' hissel'."

Jamie cared little to read books, but on the day following Jess's discovery, I found him on his knees in the attic, looking through mine. A little box, without a lid, held them all, but they seemed a great library to him. "There's readin' for a lifetime in them," he said. "I was juist takkin' a look through them."

Jinny felt very uncomfortable; the girl's demeanour was so strange that she began to think she had been drinking. Hastily collecting John's socks and boots she scrambled to her feet. "He's gone cocklin', has he?" inquired Sally, fixing those queer blue eyes of hers on the wife's face with an extraordinary expression; "an' you're takkin' care o's shoon till he cooms back?

"Well," said John; "he keeps takkin' my puddin'!" "Eh, what a story," replied the other little fellow; "it wur thee, neaw!" " Aw'll tell yo what it is," said the mother, "iv yo two connot agree, an' get your dinner quietly, aw'll tak that dish away; an' yo'st not have another bite this day. Heaw con yo for shame!" This quietened the lads a little, and they went on with their dinner.