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The knife is stayed; each man draws his own. We approach the animal, and endeavour to coax it nearer. But no; it suspects our intentions, utters a low growl, and runs away down the defile. We follow it with our eyes. The owner of the doomed horse is the vidette. The dog must pass him to get out, and he stands with his long lance ready to receive it.

The audience was told that it was entirely proper to agitate, cajole, coax, beseech, threaten, bully and browbeat men into voting for candidates and measures desired by the women; anything that stopped short of blackmail and personal intimidation bore the hallmark of refined femininity, but to take two minutes to accomplish results for themselves by depositing a ballot on election day meant everlasting damnation to all feminine traits!

Ye haven't read all the books we have yet, but I'll get more the first chance if ye like. Come, Sissy, think how lonesome I'd be without ye!" He moved his shoulders nervously while he spoke, as if the effort to coax was a greater strain than the effort to teach or command.

'You can often coax the old wine from them, said my knowing companion, 'if you go the right way to work. 'And what is the secret? 'Flattery: there is nothing like it. Flatter the peasant and you will be almost sure to move him. Say, 'Ah, what a time that was when you had the old wine in your cellars! He will say, 'Nest-ce pas, monsieur? and brighten up at the thought of it.

I tried to coax him to go back, but he wouldn't for such a long time. I like him, you know; but it does frighten me when he sniffs right at me. Do you think he ever WOULD jump?" "No," answered Sara. Ermengarde crawled forward on the bed to look at her. "You DO look tired, Sara," she said; "you are quite pale." "I AM tired," said Sara, dropping on to the lopsided footstool.

Absolutely vetoed. I go." "Please, Carol, won't you? Because I ask it?" She snuggled up to him at that and said: "It's too lonesome, Davie, and I have to go to remind you of your rubbers, and to muffle up your throat. But " The ring of the telephone disturbed them, and she ran to answer. "Mr. Baldwin? Yes Oh, that is nice of you. I've been trying to coax him to stay home myself. David, Mr.

"That is because an angel has troubled them. You will mock, I know; but it is nevertheless true, as I am told, that, for the week before I left Boston, she was in a half-delirious state, and constantly called my name." "And you heard her and came. Sharp senses, and a good, dutiful boy!" "My presentiment was strange, wasn't it?" "Oh, don't try to coax me into believing all that!

I ask you now, why should I want to be killed?" "Well, really, I don't know," replied Chester, "unless it is because you are so awfully sick." "Sick!" shouted Stubbs. "Sick! Who said anything about being sick?" "Why, I understood you to say " "Well, you understood wrong. Sick? No, I'm not sick, but we'll all be worse than sick if Hal can't coax a little speed out of this machine.

But Dick was in no such hurry to meet his father. "There's plenty of time," he said, leisurely untying a knot in a piece of string. "No there isn't, Dick; don't you know I'm going to Fellness in the boat." "But you're afraid," said the boy; "ain't father tried to coax you lots o' times to go out with him, and yer never would?

"Nay, not in that cold way. Thou hast the eyes and the tongue to move whomever thou wilt, and he set strange store by thee. Men often yield to a honeyed voice. Coax him, convince him it is his duty. Otherwise their sorrow and, perhaps, their death may be on his hands, and neither wilt thou be altogether free.