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Gerald says I am, of course he's my brother-in-law but then Gerald isn't anything but an old crab, anyway. Hateful thing! But you don't think I am, do you?" "No, indeed. Ah, here we are!" The chocolate fudge sundaes were served, and for a few moments they gave themselves over to the task of enjoying them. It was Evelyn who spoke first. "What do you want me to tell you?" "Almost anything.

And kids who asks folks to have sundaes and then can't pay for them, don't spend that much for valentines. Cheapskates never do!" Sid scowled. Before he could make suitable reply, Miss Brown rapped for order and he had to go back to his seat.

I can see it vanishing in the shape of five sundaes, at ten cents per eat. We can't go to Sargent's. They cost fifteen " "I've a quarter," insinuated Irma. "All contributions thankfully received," beamed Jerry. "On to Sargent's! We'll talk about the weather until we get there. It's been such a lovely day," she grimaced. "If it rains much more we'll have to do as they do in Spain."

Their dissipations together consisted of "sundaes" at a drug-store, or sometimes of movie shows at the Star or the Alhambra. Stereotyped on Eda's face during the legitimately tender passages of these dramas was an expression of rapture, a smile made peculiarly infatuate by that vertical line in her cheeks, that inadequacy of lip and preponderance of white teeth and red gums.

Pending the arrival of trains he divides his time between the front steps of the old hotel and the Elite Amusement Parlor, Eagle Butte's single den of iniquity where pocket pool, billiards, solo devilish dissipations these! along with root beer, ginger ale, nut sundaes, soda-pop, milk shakes and similar enticements are served to those, of reckless and untamed temperaments.

Apples and peaches, and even a big melon, were piled in the car by the boy from the Italian fruit stand, and then Cleo insisted on every one having a soda before going back to Ocean Avenue. The drug store, where the best soda was served, filled many other civic needs than those of supplying sundaes and prescriptions.

You have a photograph of him standing in front of the drug store and looking dreamily in at at the strawberry sundaes. It is a most romantic pose, really." Albert laughed. He remembered the photograph. It was one of a series of snapshots taken with Miss Kelsey's camera one Saturday afternoon when a party of young people had met in front of the sundae dispensary.

They saw her again in the drug store dissipating in chocolate sundaes; and once more, chewing gum; hobnobbing with the grocery boy, too, or perhaps it was the baggage man or the postman. "It's ironic, untrue and insulting," observed Edith, in a choking voice as her eyes traveled down the columns. "She seems especially hard on poor girls who have to get their own meals," broke in Molly.

They stood in front of the jewelry stores and picked out their engagement rings, and their wedding rings and their platinum wrist watches, and then drifted on to inspect the feather fans and opera cloaks; meanwhile digesting the sandwiches and sundaes they had eaten for lunch.

I never seen nothing or went nowhere, and if when I was down town after the groceries I'd 'a' stepped into the drug store and bought me a lemonade and they didn't have no nut sundaes then they'd of had me up before the church for frivolous conduct. Of course Paw kicks about the crops and prices, but I've been living with Paw forty years, and I dunno as I can remember a time when he didn't kick.