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When she was in Asia she had often sent e-mail to some of those whom she met in chat rooms. There were lonely males out there just as there were lonely females. She might find an exceptionally attractive man with responsibility, status, and initiative who would infatuate her and, if she were lucky, seem like a comfortable friend.

Or, if thou wilt, hold him here in the steading and take care of him, and raiment I will send hither, and all manner of food to eat, that he be not ruinous to thee and to thy fellows. But thither into the company of the wooers would I not suffer him to go, for they are exceeding full of infatuate insolence, lest they mock at him, and that would be a sore grief to me.

It is an easy matter for a young, attractive woman to infatuate irresponsible men. It is a far greater compliment to you when women respect and trust you, and when you help elevate the ideals of weak men regarding your sex. You can study the whole Encyclopedia of Manhood without breaking through the glass doors of your friend's bookcases.

"You have promised!" "My debt to the Little Ones appears, I confess, a greater thing than my bond to you." "Yield to the temptation and you will bring mischief upon them and on yourself also." "What matters it for me? I love them; and love works no evil. I will go." But the truth was, I forgot the children, infatuate with the horse.

And Albenzaide keep thy tastes Proportioned to thy state; For oft from unrestrained desires Spring hopes infatuate. Flee from thy thoughts, for they have wings, Whose light ambition lifts Thy soul to empty altitudes, Where purpose veers and drifts. Fling not thyself into the sea, From which the breezes blow Now with abrupt disdain, and now With flattering whispers low.

But though the pleasures of drunkenness are quickly at an end, its pains are of longer continuance. These liquors not only infatuate the mind, but poison the body; nor do they produce only momentary fury, but incurable debility and lingering diseases; they not only fill our streets with madmen, and our prisons with criminals, but our hospitals with cripples.

At his settlement in the university, he determined to exert his privileges as master of arts, and to read publick lectures to the students; a design from which his father could not dissuade him, though he did not approve it; so certainly do honours or preferments, too soon conferred, infatuate the greatest capacities.

But now, since he had resigned that infatuate ambition and turned apostate to all his vows, his part in character had been to laugh in Wertheimer's face and bid him go to the devil ere a worse thing befall him. Instead of which, he had flown into fury. And as he sat brooding over the wheel, he knew that, were the circumstances to be duplicated, his demeanour would be the same.

But he did not lose the opportunity of asking her to lunch with him to-morrow. "Delighted," she said, fitting the Demon Egg-Cup into its groove. Then, looking up at him, "Are you popular?" she asked. "Have you many friends?" He nodded. She said he must invite them all. This was a blow to the young man, who, at once thrifty and infatuate, had planned a luncheon a deux. "I had hoped " he began.

To me she was the tenderest of mothers, ever preferring my welfare to her own pleasure; and if my own satisfaction found some interest in my attachment to her, it was not to change its nature, but only to render it more exquisite, and infatuate me with the charm of having a mother young and handsome, whom I was delighted to caress: I say literally, to caress, for never did it enter into her imagination to deny me the tenderest maternal kisses and endearments, or into my heart to abuse them.