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He trusted that Payson Clifford, Senior, had left a sufficient estate to enable Payson, Junior, to complete his education at Harvard? He forgot, he confessed just what the residue amounted to. Then he turned to the fire, kicked it, knocked the ash off the end of his stogy and waited in order to give his guest a chance to come to himself, for Mr.

"If you want to put it that way yes." "And that in the end he'll get his hair cut?" Mr. Tutt took a sip from the tumbler of malt and relit his stogy. "What do you know about Samson and Delilah, Tutt?" he challenged. "Oh, about as much as you do, I guess, Mr. Tutt," answered his partner modestly. "Well, who cut Samson's hair?" demanded the senior member.

"Know?" he resumed, having had the necessary fillip. "Because I knew him, smelled his stogy, and drank with him in Cedar Street. As a realist I half mistrusted the fascination, but I felt it with the rest, and whenever any of the besotted dealers of that rude age got in an 'Early Morning' or a 'Dance of Nymphs, I was there among the first.

"How often have I envied Hop Lung whin I see him burnin' his priceless joss sticks. How often have I seen him lyin' on top iv me week's washin' pullin' away at th' savry rooster brand an' dhreamin' he was th' Impror iv Chiny, while I've had to contint mesilf with a stogy that give me a headache! But that day is passed.

It was signed ALFRED HAYNES BADGER, Pres., and he had an almost irresistible temptation to twist it into a spill and light a stogy with it. But he used a match instead, while Mrs. Effingham watched him apprehensively. Then he handed the stock back to her and poured out another glass of toddy. "Ever been in Mr. Badger's office?" "Oh, yes!" she answered. "It's a lovely office.

I don't want to argue about it. We could go ahead and beat you, but Pollak is prejudiced and will probably give you your injunction and appoint a receiver. If he does, that will knock the whole property higher than a kite. Nobody would ever buy stock in it or even finance it. Now how much do you want to call off your suit?" "Have a stogy?" asked Mr. Tutt politely. "Nope."

Could he buy a pair of shoes for that amount? Very likely but not the kind his mother had told him to get, the kind that were not too heavy or "stogy" looking, but would be "nice" for Sundays. He held tightly on to the two books, while Dickens and Thackeray were still protectingly within his reach. What could he do?

It is just a steady down tug that makes the line cut your fingers and likely takes your hand under water. If he is a good one you will need to sit back and snub the line over the gunwale in that first plunge which follows the stab of the hook. Then it is a steady, muscle-grinding pull to get him up. It is a stogy, heavy resistance which he offers.

"Though you will doubtless find it entertaining enough, but indirectly atmospherically so to speak it touches upon doctrines of jurisprudence, of religion and of philosophy, replete with historic fascination." "Good!" exclaimed Mr. Tutt, laying down his stogy. "What kind of a case is it?" "It's a dog case!" said the junior partner, waving the paper. "The dog bit somebody." "Ah!" exclaimed Mr.

"Leave old Tutt alone," was held sage advice, and when other lawyers desired to entertain the judiciary they were apt to invite Mr. Tutt to be of the party. And Tutt gloried in the glories of Mr. Tutt. "That's it!" repeated Tutt as he lit his stogy, which flared up like a burning bush, the cub of a Willie having foraged successfully in the outer office for a match.