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As poets and sailors believe that ships have souls, it may be that she gloried in her shame, like other fallen creatures; for her large, slanting oval hawse-pipes and boot-top stripe gave a fine, Oriental sneer to her face-like bow, and there was slur and insult to respectable craft in the lazy dignity with which she would swash through the fleet on the port tack, compelling vessels on the starboard tack to give up their right of way or be rammed; for she was a large craft, and there was menace in her solid, one-piece jib-boom, thick as an ordinary mainmast.

Neither had any use for the cards, curds and custards of what is called polite society. They hated hypocrisy, sham, pretense, and scorned the soft, the warm, the pleasant, the luxurious. They liked stormy weather, the sweep of the wind, the splash of the rain and the creak of cordage. They gloried in difficulties, reveled in the opposition of things, and smiled at the tug of inertia.

She looked down at the rocks of the tiny island, at the dimness of the spreading sea. Till now she had always gloried in its beauty, but to-night it looked to her mysterious and cruel. "No, signora." "Where then?" "Farther on a little. I will go." His voice was full of hesitation. He did not know what to do. "Please, signora, stay here. Sit on the bank by the line.

It was their reputation for love and gallantry which was the ruin of every one of these-men; they gloried in it and then thought that they had to live up to the renown of their house. "The little fellow became exalted by these tender or terrible stories, and at times he would clap his hands, crying: 'I, too, I, too, know how to love, better than all of them!

Lord Temple has resigned the Privy Seal, which is commonly said to be intended for Lord Hardwycke; some comfort to him for the loss of his wife, who died a few weeks ago. So that we seem to be left in the same hands out of which Mr. Pitt gloried in having delivered us; for, as you have probably heard before this time, Mr.

Her note and her air seemed to say that she was Boo's and Boo hers and she gloried in it with that exalted and yet something fearful glory that is to be seen, pathetically, on the faces of very plain young women, or of distinctly ageing young women, who have got a Boo but for whom the Boos of this world are elusive to capture and slippery to hold.

Mary Grace Burmington came back from her visits to the cottagers, reporting disaffection here and there, grumblings in the rank and file. But quite as many, especially of the women, enthusiastically supported my Father's wish, gloried aloud in the manifestations of my early piety, and professed to see in it something of miraculous promise. The expression 'another Infant Samuel' was widely used.

There were some who said that Claverhouse gloried in it, and that the inherent cruelty of his nature was gratified in causing obstinate Covenanters, who had not taken the oath, to be shot on the spot, and haling others to prison, where they were treated with extreme barbarity.

To this, of course, the others were too glad to consent, under the belief that they could at all events make it a drawn battle; while Ernest's friends gloried in the hopes of beating their big opponents three to one. Blackall having observed that Ernest placed his men according to a certain plan, thought he would do the same.

She thought it the surest way of proclaiming his greatness of forcing it on a purblind public. And at the moment I was the fashionable painter." "Ah, poor Stroud as you say. Was that his history?" "That was his history. She believed in him, gloried in him or thought she did. But she couldn't bear not to have all the drawing-rooms with her.