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An hour later she returned to the study looking more perplexed than when she had left him before, and the President banteringly asked, "Haven't you found out yet about that generous donation?" "Yes, Donald. Mrs. Haynes has just told me the whole story. It was not my donation at all." "Ah, the worthy ladies just got mixed in their thanks " "Not at all!

The earl of Bothwell was of a considerable family and power in Scotland; and though not distinguished by any talents either of a civil or military nature, he had made a figure in that party which opposed the greatness of the earl of Murray and the more rigid reformers. * Haynes, p. 446, 448. Melvil, p. 53, 61, 74. * Keith, p. 240.

Howard, op. cit., vol. i, pp. 293 et seq.; Esmein, op. cit., vol. i, pp. 25 et seq.; Smith and Cheetham, Dictionary of Christian Antiquities art. "Contract of Marriage." Any later changes in Catholic Canon law have merely been in the direction of making matrimony still narrower and still more remote from the practice of the world. E.S.P. Haynes, Our Divorce Law, p. 3.

Haynes glanced down, saw the thing, and pretended to be greatly astonished. "How did I get that thing in my shoe?" he cried. Then, with an appearance of indolent indifference that was rather overdone, the turnback stooped low enough to extract the pin. But his fingers trembled in the act, and half a dozen cadets noted the fact.

"If you do you will be certain to make blunders. I notice that some of you are standing with one shoulder higher than the other. The shoulders should be square, and the body should be erect upon the hips. Attention! So!" "Very well. Haynes, you are trying to stand too upright. You must not bend backward. All, incline your bodies a little forward. Frank Ingalls is standing correctly."

* State Trials, p. 76, 78. Lesley, p. 41. * Lesley, p. 55. Camden, p. 419. Spotswood, p. 230. Haynes, p. 535. Sir William Cecil, secretary of state, was the most vigilant, active, and prudent minister ever known in England; and as he was governed by no views but the interests of his sovereign which he had inflexibly pursued, his authority over her became every day more predominant.

Goodall, vol. ii. p. 128. Haynes, p. 478. Anderson, vol. iv. part ii. p. 64, et seq. Goodall, vol. ii. p. 144.

As in 1830 against Haynes, so in 1850 against Calhoun and disunion, Webster stood not as "a Massachusetts man, but as an American", for "the preservation of the Union". In both speeches he held that he was acting not for Massachusetts, but for the "whole country" , "the good of the whole" . His devotion to the Union and his intellectual balance led him to reject the impatience, bitterness, and disunion sentiments of abolitionists and secessionists, and to work on longer lines.

McKeever had about concluded his arrangements for welcoming the state bank examiner when the telephone on his desk buzzed, and on taking up the receiver he heard the ingratiating voice of Alfred Haynes Badger. "Is this the Loan Department of the Mustardseed National?" "It is," he answered shortly. "I understand you hold a note of a certain Mrs. Effingham for ten thousand dollars.

Haynes declared off, and there has been no one to take it since. I might as well have accepted Lord Brackenshaw's kind offer that I should remain in it another year rent-free: for I should have kept the place aired and warmed." "I hope you've something snug instead," said Sir Hugo. "A little too snug," said Mr. Gascoigne, smiling at his sister-in-law. "You are rather thick upon the ground."