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An' then she told us ow' when they rang a bell somebody was goin' to put Mortimer to death, an' 'ow she stopped that by climbin' up to the bell and 'angin' on to the clapper. Then in came Mortimer an' sang a song with 'er as well 'e might about 'is true love 'avin' 'is 'eart an' 'is 'avin' 'ers, an' everyone clappin' an' stampin' an' ancorein' in the best of tempers.

"'I Went to the Animal Fair' will be much more appropriate," Nora suggested. "All right, sing," consented Danny, "but the crowd's gettin' restless; I can hear them stampin' and whistlin'!" "I'll start it," said Nora. "All ready." Thus the parade started and entered the main circus tent, which consisted of a pole in the center, with no canvas at all, to the strain of,

It's quite true that master knew things; but how was the wonder. I couldn't see Mr. B.'s face during this dialogue, bein on the wrong side of the door; but there was a considdrable paws after thuse complymints had passed between the two genlmn, one walkin quickly up and down the room tother, angry and stupid, sittin down, and stampin with his foot. "Now listen to this, Mr.

"Exactly," sais I; "but I thought mother spoke kinder cross to her, and it confused the gall. "Says Flora, 'Colonel Slick, Mr Dearborne says says Well, she couldn't get the rest out; she couldn't find the English. 'Mr Dearborne says "'Well, what the devil does he say? said father, stampin' his foot, out of all patience with her.

"'But that rumpus between the Purple Blossom an' me never does come off; an' them rites over me an' Polly is indef'nitely postponed. The fact is, I has to leave a lot. I starts out to commit a joke, an' it turns out a crime; an' so I goes streakin' it from the scenes of my yoothful frolics for safer stampin' grounds. "'It's mebby six weeks followin' them declarations of the Purple Blossom.

'Why, you ignorant spalpeen, says he, 'you mane, niggarly ignoramush, says he, 'where did you lave your manners? says he. 'If I am dead, it's no fault iv mine, says he; 'an' it's not to be thrun in my teeth at every hand's turn, by the likes iv you, says he, stampin' his foot an the flure, that you'd think the boords id smash undher him.

"Wants to buy a ticket on a train that don't pull out until ten thirty-five to-night; and me fillin' it all out, stampin' it and everything, what for? Turned out all his pockets and couldn't come within eight dollars o' the price! Where you want to go?" Noble went back to his bench and sat there for a long time, though there was no time, long or short, for him.

"Dennis," sez I to my colour-sargint, "av you love me lend me your kyart, for me heart is bruk an' me feet is sore wid trampin' to and from this foolishness at the Gaff." An' Dennis lent ut, wid a rampin', stampin' red stallion in the shafts. Whin they was all settled down to their Sweethearts for the first scene, which was a long wan, I slips outside and into the kyart.

We kinnled their claes, and they fell back swearin' and stampin' to get the fire out. Then I gave the word and we were on them wi' our pales, usin' the points accordin' to instructions. My orders was to keep a good distance, for if they had grippit one o' us he'd ha' been done for.

"Which I might have knowed it, sir, only I think as how the man that did the stampin' might have done it in plain English. I don't hold with these foreign lingos, sir; there allers seems something sly and deceivin' about em. No right man 'ud ever think 'fur' meant 'thief'! Thief an' all, sir, he's dead. Mr.