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"So I told 'er it weren't no business of 'ers and the sooner she caught on to the idea the better for all parties, seein' as 'ow " "Well, I never did! and you told 'im that, did yer? I always said you'd some pluck if you really wanted to "

She wrote a letter for me in their rummy lingo to my young man!" "Cripps!" He stared in dismay. "Blessed if I 'adn't forgot. But if an Englishman marries a foreigner," he swelled heroic, "that puts 'er in the stryte runnin'. And 'art an' 'and I'm 'ers, whenever she'll 'ave me! Tell 'er THAT with a double row of crosses from W. Keyse! And can you remember a bit o' poetry?"

None on us don't recollect the last time he was rung, and if 'er were weak then, 'ers had plenty of time to get strong again, and there'll be half a crown a man for ringing of a peal. So up we got to it, till old Parmiter come in to stop us. And you take my word for it, they never have been rung since.

From his height he commanded the gardens of this cottage, and his eye of artist was pleased, from the first sight, with the beauty which some exquisite taste had given to the ground. Even in that cheerless season of the year, the garden wore a summer smile; the evergreens were so bright and various, and the few flow ers still left so hardy and so healthful.

Her face flushed a deeper shade, she registered anguish, and I saw that it was no longer within the sphere of practical politics to try to confine the conversation to neutral topics like cold boiled salmon. So did she, I imagine, for when I, as a preliminary to getting down to brass tacks, said "Er," she said "Er," too, simultaneously, the brace of "Ers" clashing in mid-air. "I'm sorry."

Meantime Jefferson with many flutterings and gesticulations, had dismounted and managed to work his way to Archie's side and whisper: "Don't yo' let on, will yo' suh?" "Not on your sweet life. It's the best ever. But where's the rest of the bunch? There must be some. You always take out a full fledged seminary." "Praise Gawd der aint but fo' dis time, an' dey's yander on de pike some 'ers.

It was one of the show places of the town, and when the "rubber neck" wagons approached the Ryder mansion and the guides, through their megaphones, expatiated in awe-stricken tones on its external and hidden beauties, there was a general craning of vertebrae among the "seeing New York"-ers to catch a glimpse of the abode of the richest man in the world.

"I mean," said Ralph, quickly, his pale cheek touched with red, "that though I am town-bred I love the things that wander among the flowers and in the wood. There are the birds, too, and the little green plants that have no flow ers, and they all have a message, if I could only hear it and understand it." The sparkle in Winsome's eyes quieted into calm.

"But, M'sieur," said he, "that which you tell me is indeed strange; for those letters which she writes to me week by week are always gay, and it 'as seemed to me that my mother was well content." Then he struck his fist on the table. "I 'ave it," he said. "She shall come to live 'ere with me in Londres. All that she desires shall be 'ers, for am I not a rich man?" I shook my head.

An' she the same, an' 'is dust just fell through the chinks o' the wood and mixed itself with 'ers. 'O Frank! Maude's ready tears sprang to her eyes. She put her hand upon her husband's and was surprised to find how cold it was. Women never realise that the male sex is the more sensitive. He had not said, 'O Maude! because he could not.