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"Den he tuck'n squoze my han' en jump on de filly I bin savin' fer 'im, en rid off. One time he tu'n roun' en look like he wanter say sump'n', but he des waf' his han' so en gallop on. I know'd den dat trouble wuz brewin'. Nigger dat knows he's gwineter git thumped kin sorter fix hisse'f, en I tuck'n fix up like de war wuz gwineter come right in at de front gate.

It proved to be a curled-up sort of horn with a rubber bulb on the end. I squoze the bulb and jumped twenty foot over the remark she made. "Jarred off the machine," says Tusky. "Oh, did it?" says I, my nerves still wrong. "I thought maybe it had growed up from the soil like a toadstool." About this time we abolished the wire chicken corrals, because we needed some of the wire.

Mars Lennox and Mars Alfred, there is one thing I insists on havin'. The law is all lop-sided from fust to last in this here case, and I want it squoze into shape, till t'other side swells out a little. I want the Crowner to go up yonder now, and hold another inquess. He's done sot all wrong on the body, and now let him set on the sperrit if he kin. I'm in plum earnest.

Phil, with a sadly puzzled look on his face, said, "I know I ain't much of a sharp at courtin', Miss Janice, an' like as not I done it wrong, but I loves you, that 's certain, an' I would n't do anything ter displeasure you, if I only know'd what you wanted. Dad he says that I was n't rampageous enough ter suit a girl of spirit, an' that if I'd squoze you now an' again, 'stead of "

When he see this dog a-coming 'round, he fired this punk, split open a corn-cake and squoze the intestine inside, all nice and slab, and threw out the lot. The dog was always ravenous, and swallered the heap kerchunk! "Pretty soon along come an explosion so the man said.

He put a pin in the teacher's chair an' she set down on it plumb up to the head, an' he tie the strings together what two nigger gals had they hair wropped with, an' he squoze up a little boy's legs in front of him with a rooster foot tell he squalled out loud, an' he th'owed spitballs, an' he make him some watermelon teeth, an' he paint a chicken light red an' tuck it to the teacher fer a dodo, an' he put cotton in his pants 'fore he got licked, an' he drawed the teacher on a slate.

An' he'd got the tooth-paste toobs, an' squoze out the insides, an' painted over every bit o' mahogany he could find doors, an' furnitur', an' all. You can take it from me, that house was a sight after the angel-child got through with it.

"Say, you Mister Steward, you jest hurry up and git the lady out of her muss, and come and fix me up," chimed in the voice of Mr Zachariah Lathrope. "I guess I've had my innards a'most squoze out agin the durned bunk, an' feel like a dough-nut in a frying-pan. If you leave me much longer I kalkerlate this old boss'll be cold meat, you bet, and you'll have the funeral to pay!"

The seats were apparently quite filled with men, when at the last moment a middle-aged woman, with a penetrating, nasal, drawling utterance, inquired if she were expected to be "squoze in betwixt them two strange men on that there back seat."

"It's like a mangle," she said: "if things are put in, they get squoze " "Squeezeled!" Bruno interrupted. "Yes." Sylvie accepted the correction, but did not attempt to pronounce the word, which was evidently new to her. "They get like that and they come out, oh, ever so long!" "Once," Bruno began again, "Sylvie and me writed " "Wrote!" Sylvie whispered.