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"Oh, it sounds like some of the little boy elephants," said the old papa elephant, as he pulled up a tree by the roots, so he could the more easily take a bite from the tender top leaves. "I hope it doesn't mean any danger for us," said Mrs. Tusky, looking at Tum Tum, who was busy finishing his dinner.

We had to build a table for 'em to eat off, and when they went out rustlin' for themselves they had to confine themselves to sidehills or flyin' insects. Their breasts was all right, though "And think of them drumsticks for the boardinghouse trade!" says Tusky. So far things wasn't so bad. We had a good grubstake.

Instead iv venturin' into th' wilds an' p'raps bein' et up be wan iv his fav'rite charackters, he calls f'r some tea an' toast, jabs his pen into th' inkwell, an' writes: 'Vichtry was not long in th' grasp iv th' whale. Befure he cud return to his burrow Tusky Bicuspid had seized him be th' tail an' dashed his brains out agin a rock.

I yells to Tusky, kickin' over my chair, as I springs to my feet. "Stop 'em! Stop 'em!" But it was too late. Out the gate sprinted them poor devoted chickens, and up the road they trailed in vain pursuit. The last we seen of 'em was a mingling of dust and dim figgers goin' thirty mile an hour after a disappearin' automobeel. That was all we seen for the moment.

If we was to shut 'em in a dark cellar, they'd flop after imaginary grasshoppers in their dreams, and die emaciated in the midst of plenty. Jimmy, we're up agin the Cosmos, the oversoul " Oh, he had the medicine tongue, Tusky had, and risin' on the wings of eloquence that way, he had me faded in ten minutes.

In addition to these peculiarities, Navarre was lame of the right leg, a boar having one day kindly applied his tusky lancet to his thigh, and gored him seriously, before, hand to hand, he managed to finish him with his hunting-knife. At the first glance, Navarre's aspect appeared strange and forbidding, and savage as the locality in which he lived.

"Oh, we've got to run again!" cried Mr. Tusky, who was the father of Tum Tum. It is a good thing elephants do not live in houses, and also good that they have nothing to move with them, when they go from place to place, or they would have trouble, because they have to run away from danger so often. Once again they were on the march, with Mr. Boom in the lead.

"But I don't want to stand here all the afternoon in a hot jungle, waiting for Tum Tum." "I won't be long," promised the jolly elephant. He hurried back through the woods to where his father and mother were still eating. "Mother, may I go in swimming?" he asked, as he came to where Mrs. Tusky stood. "Yes, but don't go so far, that you can't hear any calls that may come from Mr. Boom.

"'Ump, ump, kinterlosha wannycoola tusky noba, inickskymuncha fluxkerscenuck kintergunter skoop.

One day Tum Tum, who had been eating his dinner of leaves, with his father and mother, heard a loud trumpeting in the woods back of where he was standing. Trumpeting is the noise an elephant makes when he blows through his long trunk, or nose. It is his way of speaking to another elephant. "Who's that calling?" asked Mrs. Tusky, of her husband.