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"Here, put that note in your pocket." "Sorra bit, now," replied Jemmy, "to plaise you," gripping it tightly at the same time as he spoke; "do you want to vex me again?" "Put it in your pocket, sirra, unless you want me to break your head."

Begorra, I'm thinkin' the ould gintleman'd be scandalized could he know where his darlin' bhoy is this minute here, wait a minute Daniel, ye gossoon. Maybe, 'tis for this I've been sint to watch the lad an' not for to protect him. If it is, faith 'tis a job I'm not wishful for, shpyin' on me own boss." He pondered the matter. Then: "Well, sorra wan o' me knows.

He's her white swan, and to her mind, sleeping or waking, as Darby says, he'd tread on eggs and sorra a chick the less! Let? Who's to hinder?" "You." "It's easiness has been my ruin, and faith! it's too late to change." "Then I?" Uncle Ulick smiled. "To be sure," he said slily, "there's you, Colonel." "The whole estate is mine, you see, in law."

'When the people sees that, says the waiver to himself, 'the sorra one will dar' for to come near me. And with that he towld the wife to scour out the small iron pot for him, 'For, says he, 'it will make an iligant helmet'; and when it was done, he put it an his head, and his wife said, 'Oh, murther, Thady jewel, is it puttin' a great heavy iron pot an your head you are, by way iv a hat?

"The sorra man livin' feels more for you than I do, an' I would let you have the meal if I could; but the truth is, I'm makin' up my rent an' Jemmy, I lost so much last year by my foolish good nature, an' I gave away so much on trust, that now I'm brought to a hard pass myself. Troth I'll fret enough this night for havin' to refuse you.

* A cockstick was so called from being used on Cock- Monday, to throw at a cook tied to a stake, which was a game common among the people It was about the length of a common stick, but much heavier and thicker at one end. "Well, well," replied Reillaghan, "the sorra hair I care; so let us go.

"Sorra doubt of it," replied the other, easing himself as well as he could by a corresponding hitch; "but it's one comfort to myself anyhow, that I done my duty against the same tithes an' bad luck to them!"

"Sorra a man do I see," he cried out, "but, bedad, there's a black baste waddling along on the opposite side. There's another, and another. They're bears, and seem to be the only garrison left in the place. Just hand me up my gun, plase, for I should not like having them coming to turn me out without the manes of disputing the matther."

Niver a cross word we had until last week I got laid up wid this mischancy could and the pain in me chest, so sorra a fut could I go to me work; and I well knew the whole thing 'ud come out, if he went when I didn't. Bedad I dhramed it all the night asleep and awake, till I was fairly moidhered in me head." "Tub-be sure," said old O'Beirne, "that's the worst of lettin' on.

"Very well, then, I tell you that's none of your affair, the sorra bit. I hope you did'nt let Barney go to bed?" "Of coorse not, sir, when you bid me keep him up." "Very well, then; and if either he or you brittle a syllable of this to Father Pether, I'll read you both oat do you hear that now? Bring Barney here, then." Barney accordingly made his appearance.